Get Plant Points
Windows only

Demonstrates how get a list of points that represent a Flamingo nXt plant in RhinoScript.

Option Explicit

Call Main()

Sub Main()
	Dim objPlugIn, plant, points, count
	On Error Resume Next
	Set objPlugIn = Rhino.GetPluginObject("8008880f-8d13-4b2d-92b0-727e12878a4c")
	If Err Then
		MsgBox Err.Description
		Exit Sub
	End If
  plant = objPlugIn.GetPlantFileName("")
  If Not IsNull(plant) Then
    points = objPlugIn.GetPlantPointCloud(plant)
    If Not IsNull(points) Then
      count = UBound(points)
      If count > 0 Then
        Rhino.AddPointCloud points
      End If
    End If
	End If
	Set objPlugIn = Nothing
End Sub