Post a small example of your material or environment map image below (100 x 100 pixel image) and provide a link to the uploaded file > **Important:** //Please give your uploaded file a unique name, if you upload a file with a with the same name as an existing file, it overwrites without asking. So if you name your file, it's likely to either get overwritten or overwrite someone else's file...// ===== To create an e-map for Rhino:===== Choose the image for your e-map and load it into an image editor like Photoshop. Crop it square. In PS there is a distortion filter called "spherize", other programs will have something similar. Spherize the image (in PS at 100%). Optionally, use the ellipse selection tool with Shift and select corner to corner to create a circle corresponding with the sphere; invert the selection and delete the corners outside the sphere image. Use Save for Web and save the image at 256 x 256 pixels, in PNG or JPG format. Place it in your e-map folder (your path may be different): C:\Program Files\[[rhino:rhinoceros|RhinoCeros]] 4.0(or 3.0 or 4.0 beta)\English\Environment Maps ---- \\ \\ {{:legacy:en:EmapList.jpg}} \\ \\ ---- \\ \\ Studio (Mirrored ball format) [[{{:legacy:en:studio.png}}|{{:legacy:en:studio_th.jpg}}]] [[{{:legacy:en:studio.png}}|Download map (1024x1024, PNG)]] \\ \\ ---- Here are a few I use: [[|{{:legacy:en:sample.jpg}}]] ---- \\ \\