====== PanelingTools Plug-in for Rhino ====== > **Summary:** //Rhino Plug-in for Paneling [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]] Surfaces and Polysurfaces. This is work in progress (WIP)//. {{:legacy:en:panelingtoolsimage.PNG?600}} \\ PanelingTools supports creating paneling solutions from concept to fabrication. It is a McNeel plug-in that is closely integrated with Rhino and Grasshopper, and is widely used by architectural and other designers. =====Download PanelingTools for Rhino 7===== * **Windows:** Use the PackageManger command in Rhino 7.2 (release candidate) or later (otherwise PT-GH will not load), search for PanelingTools, download and install. * **Mac:** PanelingTools comes installed with Rhino 7 for Mac in both Rhino and Grasshopper. There is no PanelingTools menu and you need to use command-line to run the commands (type "pt" and all the commands will auto-complete). (For Rhino 6 for Mac, unzip and drag the files to GH-menu>File>Special-Folders>Components Folder. {{ :labs:pt_gh_mac_11_28_2016.zip |PT-GH_6_DLLS}}) * **Need older version?** [[https://www.food4rhino.com/app/panelingtools-rhino-and-grasshopper|Go to PanelingTools at Food4Rhino...]] \\ =====Getting started with PanelingTools==== * **Workflow Tutorials:** (2-7 minutes). [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcCuMtdXzHHAz3oiYjiSNI0MN2ZATnDoc| Click for details...]] * **Commands Tutorials:** (1-3 minutes). [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcCuMtdXzHHCLEL_PM_MAfrBCm4eqYuaz| Click for details...]] * **Webinar Course:** (~1 hour).[[https://vimeopro.com/rhino/panelingtools-webinar-course/video/118506271| Click for details...]] * **Level 1 Course:** (~12 hour).[[https://vimeo.com/album/3163942| Click for details...]] * **PanelingTools examples:** [[labs:panelinggallery|Click for details...]] * **Other commands Tutorials: (need flash player)** [[labs:ptshortclips|Click for details...]] * **Other video tutorials:** [[labs:panelingexamples|Click for details...]] \\ =====Documentation===== *[[http://wiki.mcneel.com/_media/labs/panelingtools.pdf|PanelingTools Manual]] for detailed description of commands and options. * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/_media/labs/panelingtools4grasshopperprimer.pdf|PanelingTools for Grasshopper Manual]] includes tutorials and description of PT-GH components. * [[labs:panelingscripting|Paneling Scripting]] page has a listing of paneling methods for RhinoScript. \\ =====Feedback===== **Join** the [[https://discourse.mcneel.com/c/plug-ins/panelingtools|PanelingTools Forum]] to post questions and share your projects. For questions and feedback, //[[rajaa@mcneel.com|contact the developer]]//.