====== License manager initialization failed with error -200 ====== {{:rhino:error-200.png?400|}}\\ ===== Rhino 8 won't start with this error ===== - Do all the Windows updates - Install Windows .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.20 x64 “//windowsdesktop-runtime-7.0.20-win-x64.exe//” Download here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0 - Start Rhino and test If Rhino will //still// not open without this error, modify the Rhino shortcut with the /netfx switch. Be sure to add a space before /netfx. {{:rhino:rhino_netfx_switch.png?400|}} - Add this to the Rhino 8 shortcut as show above. /netfx initializes .NET framework 4.8. Now open Rhino with the short cut. For additional help, email Technical support at **tech@mcneel.com**. //Include your Rhino System Information: in Rhino type **SystemInfo** command. Copy and paste the text results into your reply// ===== Rhino 6 won't start with this error ===== **Solution 1:** Run a "Repair" on the 64-bit Rhino in Control Panel > Programs and Features to correct the error. **Solution 2:** If you have ShapeDiver v1.9.1 for Grasshopper installed, run the TestPackageManager command, and update ShapeDiver to v1.92-beta.1 or above. \\ (ShapeDiver does not cause this error for Rhino 7.)