======Display Troubleshooting: AMD ====== These instructions are for computers that have **AMD/ATI** graphics hardware.\\ This includes **FirePro** and **Radeon** cards. If you are not sure if your computer is running AMD/ATI, please go to the **[[rhino:5:video:troubleshooting:failure|Video Troubleshooting section]]** for additional instructions. **To determine which AMD/ATI adapter Rhino sees in your computer:** - Start **Rhino**. - On the **Tools** menu, click **Options**. - Find and expand the **View** tab (located near the bottom of the list on the left), and then click **OpenGL**. - Under **Video Hardware & Driver Information**, note the **video card adapter**, second line. {{:rhino:5:video:troubleshooting:videocardquadroadapter.png?nolink&550|}} If your computer has a **ATI Radeon** card, go **[[rhino:5:video:troubleshooting:amd:radeon|here]]**. If your computer has a **ATI FirePro** card, go **[[rhino:5:video:troubleshooting:amd:firepro|here]]**. \\ >**Note**: This wiki page is part of a troubleshooting wizard. [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/5/video/troubleshooting |Start from the beginning]].