====== Ordinate Dimensions ====== **Question:** How do I place the //origin// or "corner" for the Ordinate Dimension? The approach that Rhino takes is to create these ordinate dimensions in the active detail or on the model. * The ordinate dimension uses the //current cplane//. * You can set the cplane origin to the corner of the geometry that you will be dimensioning to. * To make a construction plane, use the [[https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/8/help/en-us/commands/cplane.htm#(null)|Cplane]] command with the 3PT option or other preferred options. * Use **NamesCplanes** to save your **cplane** and restore the cplance for additional dimensions or editing. {{ :rhino:annotations:named_cplanes_02.png?600 |}} * The layout arranges details that contain views of your objects and ordinate dimensions. * If you need to edit the location of the geometry, make the cplane active before moving the geometry. See video [[https://mcneel.s3.amazonaws.com/misc/tech_support/Videos/move%20ordinate%20cplane.mp4|here]]. Download sample (Rhino 7) file [[https://mcneel.s3.amazonaws.com/misc/tech_support/Videos/V7%20ORD%20Test.3dm|here]].