{{:rhino:certified_test:blog_800x100.png|}} ====== Grasshopper Certified Specialist Testing ====== These exams certifies that the tester demonstrates proficiency with Grasshopper in Rhinoceros. * There are 100 questions per test * Test is computer graded. The questions and answers are randomized for each test taker. * There are multiple choice and true/false questions. * Some questions include answers like //None of Options// and //All the Options//. * The test duration is **two hours** max. Most users complete the test in one hour. * Passing grade is 75%. * 2 additional retakes allowed within 90 days of the first test. * Questions are taken from the Grasshopper study materials below. Prepare for the exam by going over materials. Classes are also available [[http://www.rhino3d.com/training/United_States/|here.]] Also see Study Guide below. * Use the //**Bookmark**// feature to mark questions for review before submitting your test for grading. * Test hosting is provided by [[https://gaugeonline.com/|Gauge Online Testing]]. * A [[https://support.gaugeonline.com/knowledge/common-questions#for-test-takers|Test Taker FAQ]] details the requirements of testing system. (Site login required.) * Upon passing the test, you will receive a PDF Certificate immediately for download from your test account. ===== Grasshopper Level 1 ===== //Coming soon! We will add links to the testing site soon!// {{ :rhino:certified_test:coming_soon.jpg?200|}} [[https://learngrasshopper.com/download-5-steps-to-learn-grasshopper/|{{:rhino:startbutton.png?100|}}]] Get ready by studying up on these topics and concepts. == Level 1 Topics: == * Grasshopper Interface * Grasshopper Objects * Mathematical Operators * Range vs. Series vs. Domain * Lists Shifting Data * Data Stream Matching * Points, Vector and Planes * Lists Management * Transformations === Study Resources === - [[https://www.rhino3d.education/p/learn_grasshopper|Computational Design with Grasshopper]] with Andres Gonzalez, McNeel & Associates - [[https://vimeo.com/showcase/9410915|Jump Start Grasshopper]] by Rajaa Issa, McNeel & Associates - [[https://modelab.gitbooks.io/grasshopper-primer/content/appendix/A-3/0_about-this-primer.html|Grasshopper Primer by ModeLab]] - [[https://www.rhino3d.education/p/the-fundamental-of-grasshopper3d|Intro to Grasshopper]] by David Rutten, McNeel & Associates - More Grasshopper Tutorials on the [[https://www.rhino3d.com/learn/?query=kind:%20grasshopper&modal=null|Learn Page]] - [[https://grasshopperfundamentals.com/|Comprehensive LIVE course in Grasshopper]] - [[https://learngrasshopper.com/download-5-steps-to-learn-grasshopper/|"5 Steps to Learn Grasshopper"]] which offers essential resources for beginners. ===== Grasshopper Level 2 ===== //Coming soon! We will add links to the testing site soon!// === Study Guide=== Get ready by studying up on these topics and concepts. == Level 2 Topics: == * Arrays and Lists * Variables * Fx and Conditional Statements * Data Management with Trees * Weaving Data * Functions for Booleans & Numeric Data * Trigonometric Curves * Exporting Data CSV * Simplify * Prune Tree * Match Tree Any questions? Grasshopper support is available on the **Rhino Support** Forum in the [[https://discourse.mcneel.com/c/grasshopper/2|Grasshopper Category]]. All questions are welcome.