====== Install Error 1603====== ======(Rhino for Windows) ====== > **Summary:** //How to fix the installation Error 1603// > **Related installation help:** //[[installproblems|Troubleshooting Rhino 5 Installation]]// =====Problem===== A wide variety of problems can cause 1603 errors. Please follow all the steps below. =====Answer===== **Step 1: Perform Windows updates** - Locate and run the [[http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/|Windows Update service]]. - If there are any important updates to install, click **Update Now** to install the updates. This process can take a long time. - If there is an error when trying to run the Windows Update installer, please read [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/906602|Troubleshoot common problems with installing updates]]. - If you resolve the Windows update problem and finish running [[http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/|Windows Update service]], then move to Step 2. \\ **Step 2: Install .NET 4.0 framework** - Open **Windows Explorer** and browse to the Rhino Installer DVD. - Open the **Installers\Prerequisites** folder. - Run the [[http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17718|dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe]]. - If the Microsoft .NET installer shows an error: - Write down the error - Proceed to Step 2 - 64-bit Windows XP only: - Download and install [[https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net481-web-installer|Windows Installer 4.8 Redistributable]] - Skip to Step 3. \\ **Step 3: Install Rhino** - Open **Windows Explorer**. - Download the most recent Rhino 5 installer here: [[http://www.rhino3d.com/download/rhino/5/latest?PageSpeed=noscript|Rhino 5 complete download]] - Double-click **Setup.exe** to start the Rhino 5 installation process. - If the Rhino 5 installer fails, save a copy of the log file to your desktop. - Proceed to Step 4. \\ **Step 4: Uncompressing and Manually Installing** - If step 3 fails, the next step is to install the parts of Rhino manually. - Download and install the **[[http://www.7-zip.org/|7-Zip]]** application onto your system. - Right-click on Rhino 5 installer file. - From the menu, select **7-Zip** > **Extract to rh50......\**. - In the "**rh50......**" folder, browse to the **Installers** subfolder. - Double-click these *.msi files:\\ **rhino5setup_en-us_x64.msi** (Skip on 32-bit Windows systems.)\\ **rhino5setup_en-us_x86.msi**\\ **LanguagePack_en-us.msi** (and any other languages you wish to install)\\ **HelpMedia.msi** - If you experience errors during installation: - Write down any error numbers and messages you see. - Email the step you are on in this article and any errors to tech@mcneel.com. - Restart Windows if prompted. - Start Rhino 5. - In the Rhino 5 command line, type **ToolbarReset** then press Enter. - Close Rhino 5. - Start Rhino 5. - Installation is complete! \\ **Still not working?** That's frustrating. We're sorry! Please email any log files from Step 3 to tech@mcneel.com {{tag>rhino5installationerror_en}}