====== Frequently Asked Questions -- Rhino ====== ====Hardware and system compatibility==== * [[windows10|Does Rhino support Microsoft Windows 10?]] ...what works, what doesn't... * [[windows8|Does Rhino support Microsoft Windows 8?]] * [[https://www.rhino3d.com/system_requirements|What are the recommended hardware and system requirements for Rhino?]] * [[rhino5videocards|What video cards do you recommend for Rhino?]] * [[noMacSupport|Can Rhino for Windows run on an Apple Mac computer?]]- Yes... * [[http://mac.rhino3d.com/|Is there a Mac version of Rhino?]] * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Link_Interface|What is an SLI video?]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/5/rhi/uninstall?s[]=uninstall&s[]=rhi|How can I remove a Rhino plug-in?]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/5/badimagemcafee|Rhino V5 (64-bit) reports "Bad image" and won't start]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faq/blue_screen_windows|Rhino for Windows Blue Screens]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/serverbusy|Server Busy Error]] ====Licensing==== * [[rhino:faq:licensing|General information about licensing]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/6/license|Licensing options]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/install/wizard/start|Choose the best licensing option for you]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/6/changelicensemethod|Change from one licensing method to another]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/techsupportguidelines|Tech Support and Training Guidelines]] ====Installation, networks==== * [[MultipleInstall|Can I install my Rhino on more than one computer?]] * [[rhino:installproblems|Rhino 5 will not install. Why?]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/6/installproblems|Troubleshooting Rhino 6 Installation]] * [[Why2Shortcuts|Why do I have two desktop shortcuts for Rhino 5?]] * [[V5SplashCrash|Rhino 5 crashes when using the Splash dialog on my HP Laptop?]] * [[IObitSystemCare|What are these 'RHL' files?]] * [[InstallationAdvice|Installing Rhino, Upgrades, Service Packs and WIPs/Betas]] * [[SettingsTransfer|Transferring personalized settings from one Rhino installation to another]] * [[SaveYourWorkspace|The importance of saving your custom workspace file]] * [[AddLanguages|Adding languages]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/crashhelp/lastresort|Diagnosing Rhino Startup Errors]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/hasherror|"Invalid hash" error when using off-line license validation]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/5/rhi-problems|Troubleshooting RHI Installers]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/slow_network_save|Slow Network Save]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/home/sitecannotbereached#site_or_license_server_can_t_be_reached|Site or License Server Can't Be Reached: Opening Rhino 6 or later]] ====Display problems==== * [[/rhino:5:video:troubleshooting|Troubleshoot display problems]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/bitmap_display|Image File Support]] * [[nvidiainfo|NVIDIA Display Driver Issues and Info]] * [[rhino/4/video/atiinfo|ATI display driver issues and info]] * [[rhino:5:video:troubleshooting:artifacts|Flickering viewports and more]] * [[TwoDisplayAdapters|Using two display adapters]] * [[rhino:5:video:troubleshooting:artifacts|Far from the origin...]] * [[rhino:osnaptooltipfix|Scrambled osnap tooltips]] * [[rhino:ultramon|Tooltips missing on multiple monitor systems]] * [[rhino:wacomvistaproblem|Tooltips missing in cascaded toolbars]] * [[rhino:5:video:Highres:Toolbars and text too small in 64-bit Rhino 5 on High Resolution screen]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faq/slow-rhino|Rhinoceros is slow on a workstation with multiple monitors plugged into a USB hub.]] ====Common modeling problems==== * [[BooleanFAQ|Why Boolean operations fail...]] * [[advancedfilleting|What to do if fillets fail...]] * [[MeshFAQ|Why doesn't my shaded model look correct when I was so careful in modeling it?]] * [[MeshFAQ|The model looks "jagged"! What happened to my nice smooth surfaces?]] * [[MeshFAQ|Meshing problems, information, tips and techniques]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/3dprinting|3D Printing the Rhino model]] * [[BadObjects|Finding bad objects]] * [[FaqClosedSolids|Why is my object not closed? How do I get a solid model?]] * [[CapProblems|Why can't I cap my object?]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/_media/legacy/en/developable_PG2.pdf|Why some surfaces do not unroll]] * [[Make2DTips|Why does Make2D take so long? What can I do about it?]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/pictureframeproblems|Why does my PictureFrame show up blank (or white) and not show the image I have attached?]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/rhinov5status_extrusions|Lightweight Extrusion objects in V5?]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/adobe_nodimtext|Dimension text missing in Rhino 5 64-bit]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faqtolerances|Understanding modeling tolerances]] ====Import/export/file save problems==== * [[dwgemptyinRhino|Why does my AutoCAD DWG open empty in Rhino?]] * [[BigRhinoFiles|Why are Rhino 3DM files so big?]] * [[CheckReduceFileSize|My Rhino file unexpectedly became huge! Why? How to fix?]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faq/acad-mirrored#the_solution|Text Mirrored in AutoCAD? Why?]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faq/slowfileio|Slow Paste from Clipboard]] ====Common Annotation questions==== * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/annotations/ordinate_dims|How do I use Ordinate dimensions on multiple objects with different origins]] * [[https://discourse.mcneel.com/t/learning-rhino-layouts/176929|How do I Learn to use Rhino Layouts?]] ====Common interface problems==== * [[ToolbarProblems|Where did my toolbars go? I can't find them!]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/command_prompt_faq|Command prompt window does not display]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/command_help_error|Error in the whtopic.js script at startup]] * [[splashproblem|The News Feed corner of the Rhino 5 splash screen is blank]] * [[OsnapTooltipFix|The object snap tooltip indicator is fuzzy or totally unreadable]] * [[logitechmouse|Why does my Logitech mouse (cursor) slow down to a crawl inside Rhino?]] * [[InstallProblems|I'm having a problem installing or running Rhino]] * [[LicenseManagerErrors|Unable to communicate with license manager]] * [[wacominfo|Wacom tablet user info and issues]] * [[3dmouseinfo|3D (Spaceball-type) mouse/navigator user info and issues]] * [[VideosFail|Videos in the Help file don't play]] * [[NoNetworkDrives|Rhino 5 file dialog does not show mapped network drives]] * [[acadaliases|Using AutoCAD Aliases in Rhino]] * [[notextv6win7|The Text command doesn't run in V6 in Windows 7]] * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/home/rhino8importrui|Import RUIs to Rhino 8]] ====Tips and techniques==== * [[HiddenSecrets|Rhino's Hidden Secrets]] * [[FaqTolerances|Tolerances, tolerances, tolerances...]] * [[LoadProtect|Load-protecting plug-ins]] * [[ReverseEngineering|Reverse Engineering: Point Cloud or Mesh to NURBS]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/meshtonurb|MeshToNURB]] * [[UsingBlocks|Using blocks]] * [[Tweaks|Rhino tweaks and adjustments]] * [[rhino:engravingfonts|Single-stroke engraving fonts for Rhino]] * [[developer:CommandLine|Running Rhino from the command line]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/delete_plugin_data|Deleting plug-in data from files]] * [[https://discourse.mcneel.com/t/rhino-8-feature-layers-panel-improvements/162089/176929|Rhino 8 Layer Improvements]] ====Getting more support==== * Post your support questions 24/7 to [[http://discourse.mcneel.com|Rhino Forum]]. Get answers from pro Rhino users, the McNeel support team, and the Rhino developers. * [[http://www.rhino3d.com/support|McNeel Technical support]] - Support page on the main McNeel/Rhino website. * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/manual_rhino_dmp_windows|Manually Creating a DMP File from An Unresponsive Rhino for Windows]]. * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/manual_rhino_dmp_mac|Manually Creating a DMP File from An Unresponsive Rhino for Mac]].