======Rhino for Windows====== [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/home|{{:rhino:win81.png?112|Rhino for Windows}}]][[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/home|{{:rhino:rhino_symbol.png?164|Rhino for Windows}}]] =====Information and knowledge in general===== * [[http://discourse.mcneel.com|Rhino Forum]] - Get answers from pro Rhino users, the McNeel support team, and the Rhino developers. * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/legacy_v4|Rhino V4 running under Windows 7, 8.1, and 10]] - Rhino V4 was designed for Windows XP. How do I run V4 under a newer version of Windows? * [[faq|Frequently Asked Questions]] – Find the answers to problems and questions that come up regularly. * Windows won't let me **update the Intel display drivers**. It says the driver isn't validated for my computer. Here are two methods to work-around the problem and get updated drivers installed: * [[https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vR-ovSL28Z8RE_3DRVCVlXh14kP4jTm1nQmIi-BbJHWU2MUEqtYoJPiqC0CeRpobTxghaosXUaqmfYU/pub|Method 1]] * [[https://www.howtogeek.com/343287/how-to-fix-the-driver-being-installed-is-not-validated-for-this-computer-on-intel-computers/|Method 2]] * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/5/video/troubleshooting|Having display problems in Rhino for Windows?]] * Rhino V5 won't start. This problem could be bad display drivers or a bad plug-in. [[rhino:crashhelp|Here's what to do to narrow it down]]. * Rhino won't start. [[rhino:200|License manager initialization failed with error -200]]. * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/crashhelp/lastresort|Crashing on startup?]] - Bad video drivers or plug-ins may be causing Rhino to crash on startup. Here's how to find out. * Using a **docking station?** Set the laptop display to be the "Main Display" using Windows Display Settings. * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faq/crash|How do I send a Rhino crash report?]] * [[whitepapers|White papers]] - A list of in-depth discussions on a variety of technical tasks. * [[hiddensecrets|Rhino's hidden secrets]] - Dozens of tips and shortcuts from Rhino experts to facilitate common tasks and save you hours of time. * [[http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/7/help/en-us/index.htm|Rhino 7 online help.]] * [[http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/7/help/en-us/index.htm#commandlist/command_list.htm%3FTocPath%3D_____3|Rhino 7 command list]] - A quick reference guide to all Rhino 7 commands. * [[http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/index.htm|Rhino 6 online help.]] * [[http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/index.htm#commandlist/command_list.htm%3FTocPath%3D_____3|Rhino 6 command list]] - A quick reference guide to all Rhino 6 commands. * [[http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/5/help/en-us/index.htm|Rhino 5 online help.]] * [[http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/5/help/en-us/index.htm#commandlist/command_list.htm%3FTocPath%3DCommands%7C_____1|Rhino 5 command list]] - A list of all Rhino 5 commands with a description of what they do. * [[wishlist|Wish list]] - Think something is missing in Rhino? See if it's on the wish list. * [[opensource|Open source]] - Information about the open source code used by Rhino. ---- * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/windows/3dmode |VR in Rhinoceros]] - Information about Stereo Views and 3D Views for Windows Rhino. * [[rhino:6:installproblems|Getting an MSI error code when installing Rhino?]] - Troubleshooting for system administrators installing Rhino V3, V4, V5 and V6 for Windows. * [[installingrhino|Deploying Windows Rhino]] - Techniques for **silent or scripted installs**, details of folders and registry, etc. * [[rhino:6:changelicensemethod|Changing Rhino V6 from one licensing method to another]] - Rhino V6 supports stand-alone, LAN Zoo, and Cloud Zoo licensing. Here's how to change from one method to another. * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/5/validation|Rhino 5 License Validation guide.]] * [[crashhelp|Diagnosing Rhino startup crashes]] - If Rhino fails to start on your computer, here are some things you can do to understand what is happening and fix the problem. * [[hardwarebaseline|Hardware guidelines for Rhino 5.]] ---- * [[rhino:mac:home|Rhino for Mac]] - Information about Rhino 5 for Mac. * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/5/macchangekey|How to change your Rhino for Mac license key]] - I purchased a new license for Mac Rhino. How do I enter it into my application? ---- * [[renderpluginlist|Rendering in Rhino]] - Information on all the different rendering platforms available in Rhino (native and others). * [[workingwithotherapps|Using Rhino with other applications]] - Tips, tricks, and advice for using Rhino in conjunction with a various other applications. * [[news://news.mcneel.com/rhino|Rhino Newsgroup, NNTP version]]. The newsgroup has been closed for posting. You can still read the archives with a news client. For support please visit [[http://discourse.mcneel.com|the new Rhino web forum.]] =====Models, tutorials, blogs, webinars, and other resources===== * [[modellinks|Models]] - A list of links to Rhino models on other web sites. * [[rhino:basicmacros|How to create macros]] - Tutorial for creating macros to automate/streamline your workflow * [[rhino:macroscriptsetup|How to integrate macros/scripts into your workspace]] - Tutorial for set up, use and maintainance of your macros and scripts * [[developer:scriptspage|Macros, scripts, and plug-ins]] - Developer Docs. * [[toolbarpage|Custom toolbars]] - User-created toolbars for V3/V4. Custom buttons with macros and scripts for various applications. * [[workspaces|Custom work environments]] - A space for sharing your personal Rhino environment with others. * [[advanceddisplay|Advanced display modes]] - Supercharge Rhino 5's new display settings. * [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/hatch#download_the_hatch_file|More Hatch Patterns]] to import into Rhino Developed for Rhino 8. * [[draftingpage|Hatch patterns]] - A collection of legacy hatch patterns. * [[3ddigitizing|3D digitizing]] - A list of links to 3D digitizing related resources. * [[imagemaps|E-maps, materials, textures, etc.]] - A place to share your custom materials, environment maps, etc. with others. * [[tutoriallinks|Tutorials]] - A list of links to Rhino tutorials on other websites. * [[people:bobkoll|Teacher's wiki]] - A place to find lab tips and tricks, some classroom materials, etc. * [[http://www.rhino3d.com|Rhino website.]] * [[http://www.rhino3dhelp.com/|Rhino 3D Help]] - Website with quality tutorials, blueprints, and models. * [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/webinars|Webinars]] - Recorded webinars (Rhino Modeling, Rhino 5, plug-ins) and list of future webinars. =====News, user stories, bios, etc.===== * [[rhino:customerstories:main|Customer stories]] - Read about how people use Rhino. * [[studentstories|Student stories]] - Read about students using Rhino. * [[rhinophiles|Hall of Fame]] - Are you a Rhino nut? Join the [[rhino:rhinophiles|RhinoPhiles]] club. * [[rhinohistory|The history of Rhino.]] * [[rhinoopportunities|Rhino experts]] - People with Rhino experience who are available for jobs or offering services. =====The Rhino Blog (recent posts)===== {{rss>http://blog.rhino3d.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 6 date 6h }}