====== Importing RUI and Custom Settings into Rhino 8 ====== {{ :rhino:home:rui_open.jpg?200|}} ==== 1. Import RUI Menu Files ==== If you are looking to import a //Rhino 6 or 7 RUI//, you can do that here in Rhino 8: * Go to **Window -> Toolbars... -> ** and in that dialog to **File -> Open... **, to open the RUI. {{ :rhino:home:custom8-2.png?200|}} ==== 2. Alias Shortcuts ==== Aliases are in their own file. In //Rhino 6 or 7// you can go to **Options -> Aliases -> Export** to export an ini file. In //Rhino 8//, **Options -> Aliases -> Import** to import this file. ==== 3. Keyboard Shortcuts ==== Rhino System options like Keyboard shortcuts, Modeling aids settings, Files settings and more can be saved from //Rhino 6 or 7// with the **OptionsExport** command. {{ :rhino:home:custom8-1.png?150|}} In Rhino 6 or 7, type **OptionsExport** or choose it from the Tools menu, and write the ini file. In Rhino 8, type **OptionsImport** or choose it from the Tools menu, and import the ini file. ==== 4. Legacy Toolbar Files from Rhino 5 ==== The Toolbar file format .TB can not be imported directly into Rhino 8. It is a legacy format that is no longer supported by Rhino 8 or newer versions. As a workaround, if you have Rhino 6 or 7 for Windows, you can import the Toolbar and save as a RUI. This is located in Options -> Toolbars -> File. {{:rhino:home:rhino7_save_rui.png?400|}} * Go to **Window -> Toolbars... -> ** and in that dialog to **File -> Open... **, to open the RUI. If you //do not// have **Rhino for Windows versions 6 or 7** and you have Rhino 8, you can download a **legacy key** [[https://www.rhino3d.com/support/|here]] and install Rhino 6 or 7. Download Rhino from Archives [[https://www.rhino3d.com/support/|here]]. However, if you have one or two .TB files that you need saved as .RUI files, email //tech@mcneel.com// and attach the files. We are happy to help. - //7/5/2024 Mary Ann Fugier//