====== Site or License Server Can't Be Reached ===== You may see this error when opening Rhino6 or later. You get these errors when the **McNeel license server** can not be reached. "//This site can't be reached.//" {{:rhino:home:site_can_t_be_reached_error.png?400|}} "//McNeel servers can not be reached//" {{:rhino:home:license_server_error.png?400|}} ==== Why==== Rhino must be able to connect to the following websites though port 433. * https://accounts.rhino3d.com (port 443) * https://api.mcneel.com (port 443) * https://cloudzoo.rhino3d.com (port 443) ==== Possible Solutions ==== * You could try disabling the firewall to see if that changes anything. * You may need to consult your computer for specific steps for to allow access through any network firewalls and/or anti-virus applications you have running. * If you have an IT department at your school or company, check with them and share the links I provided above. * See Forum thread with more ideas [[https://discourse.mcneel.com/t/mcneels-license-server-could-not-be-reached/87744:here]]. * Alternatively, a tool like https://www.testports.com/ should be able to test the connection for you. **More Help** Email the following to Rhino tech support tech@mcneel.com * Rhino System Info: Open Rhino and type the command **SystemInfo**. Copy can paste the text results into your email. * Send a screen capture of you error * On Windows, send the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc