====== Rhinoceros Level 2 Certification Exam====== Also see [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/certified_test?&#authorizations|Rhino Certification and Authorizations]]. {{ :rhino:certificate_prof.png?300|}} ===== General information===== This test covers Rhino advanced surfacing terminology concepts, workflows and commands. The test can be taken with Rhino versions 5 or later, Windows or Mac. * **Length**: 100 questions * **Time allowed**: 2 hours (typically takes 1 hour) * **Passing score**: 75% * **Cost: $96** (Credit card payment with PayPal) * **Retakes**: Two additional retakes are allowed. (This means you will have three chances to pass the test each time you purchase the test. Even if you pass, you can retake to improve your score.) * **Language**: The test is currently available in English. {{ :rhino:results.png?300|}} The primary source of questions for the **Level 2 Certification Exam** is the **Level 2 Training Guide** which is available either: * Inside Rhino from the Rhino **Tutorials** panel, see [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/trainingguides/en|details here]]. * Access **[[https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/training-level2/en-us/Rhino%20Level%202%20Training.pdf|Rhinoceros Level 2 Training Guide]]**. ====To prepare of the Level 2 test:==== * Enroll a **Rhino Level 2 Training** from an **Authorized Rhino Training Center** [[https://www.rhino3d.com/training/?coordinates=[-122.0696846,47.8065838]&lang=en&radius=4405899.752516476&place_type=country|here]] (classroom, hybird or online) * [[https://www.udemy.com/course/rhino-3d-tutorials-from-beginner-level-to-advanced-level/|Rhino 3D ( any version ) Beginner Level to Advanced Level]] __We recommend that you have these open and available during the test:__ * Rhinoceros running * Rhino Help file opened * The Rhino Level 2 Training Materials PDF ready to search * A dual monitor configuration is helpful __Check your system resources:__ * Too many programs running and too little available memory may cause the test to malfunction. * For successful testing, only keep the applications needed for testing open. __Problems?__ If you have problems, let us know as soon as possible. Contact [[mary@mcneel.com|Mary Fugier]]. [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/certified_test|Back to Rhino Certifications and Authorizations page]] ===== Rhino Level 2 Certification Exam overview===== **This exam certifies that the tester demonstrates proficiency in the Rhino 5 Level 2 training materials.** * There are 100 questions. * Test is computer graded. The questions and answers are randomized for each test taker. * There are multiple choice and true/false questions. * Some questions include answers like //None of Options// and //All the Options//. * The test duration is two hours max. Most users complete the test in one hour. * Passing grade is 75%. * Questions are taken from the **Rhino Level 2 Training Guide** and the **Rhino Help File**. Prepare for the exam by going over materials in Level 2 Training Guide and the reference commands covered in the Level 2 Training in the Help file. Classes are also available [[http://www.rhino3d.com/training/United_States/|here.]] Also see Study Guide below. * Use the //**Bookmark**// feature to mark questions for review before submitting your test for grading. * Test hosting is provided by [[https://gaugeonline.com/|Gauge Online Testing]]. * A [[https://support.gaugeonline.com/knowledge/common-questions#for-test-takers|Test Taker FAQ]] details the requirements of testing system. (Site login required.) * Upon passing the test, you will receive a PDF Certificate immediately for download from your test account. ==== Study Guide ==== [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/level2_study_guide|{{:rhino:startbutton.png?100|}}]] ==== Purchase Rhinoceros Level 2 Certification Exam ==== //Cost: $96, includes one test and two additional retakes// [[https://www.mytestcom.net/app/myTestcomURL.cfm?accountLogin=Rhino3D123&takeContentCode=za74371&groupLoginCode=prof|{{:rhino:register-now-button-pilll-red-hi.png?100|}}]] Free Practice test: Register and take [[https://www.mytestcom.net/app/myTestcomURL.cfm?accountLogin=Rhino3D123&takeContentCode=ze68965&groupLoginCode=prof|a free practice test.]]