====== Rhino 8 Mac with Enscape Reporting "License Not Found" ====== **Problem:** Install of Enscape for Mac causes Rhino for Mac to say **License Not Found** or **Initializing...** and become unresponsive. You can also read the forum thread //"Troubleshooting: Data protection failed"//. //[[https://discourse.mcneel.com/t/troubleshooting-data-protection-failed/136535|Details...]]// {{:rhino:mac:home:license_not_found.png?300|}} {{:rhino:mac:home:error_finding_mac_license.png?400|}} **Cause:** Enscape created ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel with incorrect permissions. ===== Solution 1: Apple Terminal Commands ===== - **Close Rhino** - **Open Terminal**. //[[https://support.apple.com/guide/terminal/open-or-quit-terminal-apd5265185d-f365-44cb-8b09-71a064a42125/mac|Details...]]// - **Paste the following into Terminal**, then press Enter. You'll be asked for the password you use to login to your mac. The sudo command runs with privileged permissions, and requires your password to work: sudo chown -R $(logname) "/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros" sudo chmod -R 755 "/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros" sudo chown -R $(logname) "~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/" sudo chmod -R 755 "~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/" - **Start Rhino** - **Login** ===== Solution 2: Manually and Complete Uninstall ===== **Simplest Solution** - Delete Applications: - Open Finder - Click **Applications** in the sidebar. - Drag **Rhino 7** to the trash - Drag **Rhino 8** to the trash - Drag **Enscape** to the trash - Delete Enscape Plugin: - In Finder, click **Go > Go to Folder** - Paste **~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/** - Drag the **Enscape** folder to the trash - Delete Rhino License Files: - In Finder, click **Go > Go to Folder** - Paste **~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros** - Drag **8.0** to the trash - In Finder, click **Go > Go to Folder** - Paste /Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/ - Drag **8.0** to the trash - Delete Enscape Data Folders: - In Finder, click **Go > Go to Folder** - Paste **~/Library/Application Support/** - Drag any Enscape-related folders to the trash - Restart your Mac - Reinstall Rhino. //If your Mac prompts "keep, replace ..." you did not clean up well enough. Go back to the top and try again.// - Start Rhino. It should install and open like it was never installed before. And then it will get a license from the RA. ===== Solution 3: Manually modify folder permissions ===== - **Quit Rhino** - Open **Finder** - Set permissions for ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel folder - In Finder, click **Go > Go to Folder**. - Paste **~/Library/Application Support**. - Right-click the **McNeel** folder, then click **Get Info**. - In the **Sharing & Permissions** section and click the padlock to enable editing. - Change the permissions to **Read & Write** for all the entries. - In the options menu (the circle with the three dots next to the + & - symbols), click **Apply to enclosed items…** - Close the McNeel Info window. - Set permissions for /Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros folder - In Finder, click **Go > Go to Folder**. - Paste **/Users/Shared/McNeel** - Right-click the **Rhinoceros** folder, then click **Get Info**. - In the **Sharing & Permissions** section and click the padlock to enable editing. - Change the permissions to **Read & Write** for all the entries. - In the options menu (the circle with the three dots next to the + & - symbols), click **Apply to enclosed items…** - Close the Rhinoceros Info window. - Start Rhino. or Please check if you have read & write privileges on these license folders. To do this, right click a folder > choose Get Info > and check the permissions at the bottom of the window that pops up. Make all of them **Read + Write.** ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros /Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros - Start Rhino 8 after making sure you can write to these folders. You should see a Welcome screen to enter your email. If that still doesn't work, try deleting all McNeel folders from both ‘/Application Support’ and ‘/Shared’ before starting Rhino 8 ===== Solution 4: Use Apple Terminal Commands to Change Folder Permissions ===== **Advanced Skills Required** - Quit Rhino 8. - Restart your Mac. - Ensure Rhino 8 is not running. - Launch Terminal. - Remove the folders that Enscape created. - If Rhino 7 is installed and working and you only want to fix Rhino 8, paste into terminal and press Enter: - **rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0** - Or, paste **rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel** and press Enter. - Start Rhino 8 - With Rhino successfully starting, now you can reinstall Enscape - if you get "permissions denied" as a return when you run the steps above, add the prefix **sudo** then a space, then the command string above. This will call the admin credentials dialog box allowing you to enter admin credentials. Enter admin credentials and the command string should complete successfully. - If all the above fails, you can browse directly to the folder in the finder and delete the folder manually by dragging it into the trash. (confirm with admin credentials) - In some rare cases all the above fails, BUT after a restart the above process finally works. or Run these command in your Terminal Application mkdir -p ~/.config/.mono/keypairs chmod -R 700 ~/.config/.mono/keypairs If all else fails, please get in touch with us. Standalone licensing (locking the license key to the machine) can be used as a fallback option. [[https://www.rhino3d.com/support/|McNeel Technical Support]] tech@mcneelcom.