====== Will Rhino for Mac support my .NET plug-in? ====== > **Summary:** //.NET plug-ins that run on both Windows and Mac are possible and in development.// It is possible to author plugins that will run on both Rhino for Windows and Rhino for Mac. Plugin developer will have to use RhinoCommon (C# .NET); plugins authored in C/C++ are not supported on Rhino for Mac. For a list of plugins supported on Rhino for Mac, please see [[http://www.food4rhino.com/browse?sort_by=ds_changed&f[0]=im_field_unified_type%3A773&f[1]=im_field_platform_app%3A726|Food4Rhino]]. Developer info can be found in the [[http://developer.rhino3d.com/guides/rhinocommon/|RhinoCommon section of our developer guides]].