====== Why is my Layout shifted when using raster printing? ====== > **Summary:** //Raster printing for some printers may be shifted out of position// > **Note:** //This only affects Rhino for Mac Layout printing// Some users will find that prints and PDFs created when printing from Layouts may be shifted out of place on the page. Several things can effect this: * Shifting only occurs when using the raster option. Vector prints are not shifted * Shifting can be avoided by selecting a "borderless" paper size * Shifting can be avoided by selecting a different current printer * Printing to PDF is also shifted when one of these printers is current unless a borderless paper size, or vector output is selected This shifting issue has been seen when using some **HP DeskJet** and some **Canon printer** drivers. Please report additional printer issues on the Discussion Forum: http://discourse.mcneel.com/c/rhino-for-mac