====== How to Uninstall Rhino for Mac ====== > **Summary:** //The following steps completely remove Rhino for Mac from your computer.// The following steps completely remove Rhino for Mac from your computer: - Quit all running Rhino applications. - Remove the application in the Applications folder. - Remove the directory **/Library/Application Support/McNeel**. This directory contains the tutorial models and manuals if you downloaded them and may not exist on your computer. This folder also contains your license file (for Rhino 5 and Rhino 6). - Remove the directory **~/Library/Application Support/McNeel** in your home directory. This directory is optionally used by Rhino and may not exist on your computer. It might contain materials you created, Python scripts, and other resources. - Remove the file **~/Library/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.plist** in your home directory. This file contains all your Rhino preferences for Rhino 5 and Rhino 6. Rhino 7 or later - Remove the directory **/Users/Shared/McNeel**. This folder contains licensing information used by Rhino 7 and later. - Remove the **~/Library/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.n.plist** (where n is the version of Rhino) in your home directory. This file contains your Rhino preferences. ===== Related Topics ===== * [[rhino:mac:find_all_rhino_apps|How do I find all copies of Rhino for Mac on my computer?]]