====== The WIP has a time limit. What happens when it expires? (Rhino for Mac) ====== > **Summary:** //The WIP has a time limit. What happens when it expires?// The expiration ensures that everyone is testing the latest version and not reporting problems that have already been fixed. Before each RhinoWIP version expires, a new WIP will be available for you to you [[http://www.rhino3d.com/go/download/rhino-for-mac/wip/latest|download]]. RhinoWIP checks for updates each time it starts and will notify you if a new version is available. A notice will also be posted on the [[https://discourse.mcneel.com/c/serengeti|Serengeti section]] of the [[http://discourse.mcneel.com/|Discourse Forum]] each time a new Rhino WIP version is available. See also: [[rhino:mac:wip|Rhino for Mac Work-In-Progress]].