====== Rhino 5: Error 0xc000007b ======
Rhino 5 64-bit cannot run because of **Error 0xc000007b**.
Windows calls a 32-bit DLL under //C:\Windows\System32// when Rhino 5 64-bit runs.
32-bit DLLs should not exist in the System32 folder on 64-bit Windows systems. It may be mistakenly installed by a 32-bit program's installer.
- Download Dependency Walker for x64 from http://www.dependencywalker.com
- Extract the files in the zip file you've downloaded to a folder.
- Run **depends.exe**.
- Open Rhino 5 64-bit's shortcut icon on your desktop.\\ C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\System\Rhino.exe is opened.
- Click the header of the **CPU** column to sort the DLLs with their CPU type.\\ {{http://wiki.mcneel.com/_media/rhino/5/k01376b.png?600}}
- Find the x86 DLLs.\\ **Note:** **msvcr100.dll** and **vcomp100.dll** have been reported to cause Error 0xc000007b. It may happen with a different DLL on your computer.
- Press **F9** or select **Full Paths** from the **View** menu.
- Find the paths of the x86 DLLs.
- Delete the x86 DLLs under //C:\Windows\System32//.\\ There's most likely only one x86 DLL found under C:\Windows\System32. Don't delete the x86 DLLs outside of C:\Windows\System32.
- Install [[http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13523|Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)]].
- Run Rhino 5 64-bit.
**Need assistance?**
You can save a *.dwi file from Dependency Walker and send it to McNeel Support Team (support@mcneel.com) with a comment "**Error 0xc000007b to Kelvin Cheng**".
{{tag>rhino5 rhino5installationerror_en}}
keywords: 64 bit rhino does not start,V5 startup problems