====== Rhino Certifications ====== //Certified by McNeel North American Region// //For verification of a Certified Rhino Specialist, please email [[mary@mcneel.com|Mary Ann Fugier]], Director of Training, McNeel Corporate Office, Seattle WA.// {{ :rhino:award1.jpg?150|}} {{ :rhino:certificate.png?250|}} **Congratulations to our Rhino Certified Specialists!** The following Rhino users have exhibited proficiency with the [[http://www.rhino3d.com/|Rhinoceros 3D]] software in an online, computer scored, timed test. Are you interested in Rhino Certifications? See [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/certified_test|Rhino Certifications and Exams]]. **Certifications are a way to test knowledge and competency in [[http://www.rhino3d.com/|Rhinoceros]] software and in 3D visualization.** Typically, proficiency with these Rhino skills allow Rhino users to excel and develop more advanced skills, build a greater understanding of advanced concepts, and continue advancing in their knowledge of 3D visualization. //Note: Additional proof of competency may be required to verify Rhino knowledge for your specific needs. This is not a guarantee (implied or other) of performance or aptitude, but simply a gauge to measure the user's acquired knowledge of the [[http://www.rhino3d.com/|Rhinoceros]] software.// Please email [[mary@mcneel.com|Mary Ann Fugier]] with any questions. ===== Official Listing of Rhino Certified Specialists ===== **[[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/rhinocertified/level2_certified|Rhinoceros Level 2 Specialists]]** **[[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/rhinocertified/level1_certified|Rhinoceros Level 1 Specialists]]** **[[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/rhinocertified/rhino_academic_2019-2020|Rhinoceros Academic Specialists]]** **[[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/rhinocertified/level1_v4|Rhinoceros 4 - Level 1 Specialists]]**