====== Rhino 5: Toolbar Edits Not Saving ====== If Rhino is unable to save any edits to your toolbar layout (the original default keeps coming back after you close and reopen Rhino) you may have a problem with Windows' file-writing permissions. [[http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/toolbarproblemsv5|See this page for some suggestions on how to test/fix this.]] //**Note:** Always edit your toolbar layout with only one instance of Rhino open. Otherwise your edits may be wiped out (overwritten) by another unmodified instance of Rhino closing.// =====Toolbar disappearing problems in Rhino V4 and V5===== If one day you open Rhino and all your toolbars are gone, don't panic! There is usually a simple solution to get them back. [[toolbarsdissappearV4|Help and suggestions for Rhino V4 users]] [[toolbarsdissappearV5|Help and suggestions for Rhino V5 users]] If your toolbars are doing a constant disappearing act, though, there is something else wrong, contact McNeel support with your problem. =====Toolbar docking problems in Rhino V3===== If you have a problem with toolbar layouts not sticking and docking correctly in Rhino V3, try: * Close Rhino 3.0 * While Rhino is closed, run the following utility: http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/content/upload/files/Rhino3_Registry_Repair.zip * Restart Rhino 3.0 The utility deletes the following key in the registry to make Rhino forget the settings that make the toolbars not dock correctly: //HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\3.0\Scheme: Default\Control bar manager//