======Numbers, Angles, and Points====== There are lots of ways to enter numbers, angles, and points in Rhino. The only hard and fast rule is that **no spaces** are permitted in a number, angle, or point. \\ =====Entering numbers===== Basic numbers 123 whole numbers +123.456 decimal numbers 0.456 .456 -1.23456e10 scientific notation - 23456E10 5/16 fractions 1-3/4 (=1.75) You can specify units when typing lengths and point coordinates. Rhino will automatically convert the number you type into the model's units. For example, if your model units are meters and you type 27cm, Rhino automatically converts your number to 0.27. - 235millimeters -1.234cm +16'5" (16 feet 5 inches) 1'2-3/4" (1 foot 2.75 inches) \\ =====Entering angles===== > **Note:** //Usually angles are preceded with a < symbol.// You can specify angles by typing a number. If no units are specified, then degrees are assumed. 45 (45 degrees) There are six ways to specify degrees. You can type the **°** symbol, but it is easier to just type a **d**. The reason multiple formats are accepted is to make life easier for people who cut and paste text from other programs. 45d 39deg 22.875degs 12.345e2degree 180degrees 47.653395° * There are 360 degrees in a circle You can also use degrees-minutes-seconds format. 128d37'22" (128° 37 minutes 22 seconds = 128.622777...°) 99d37'45.234" 32.543' 32'30.1234" Radians and grads are also supported. {{:legacy:en:Radian.png}} 3.1415926535897932384626433832795r (pi radians) - - 234rad - 234rads - 234radian - 234radians 4g 4grad 4grads * There are 400 grads in a circle \\ =====Entering points===== 3,4,5 x,y,z 2,-11 = (2,-11,0) When you omit the z coordinate, it is automatically set to 0. 17<45 polar (radius