====== Reclaiming seats after removing a team member ====== Currently, if a team member is removed from a team, it may take a couple of days before Rhino tries to renew their lease and fails because they are no longer authorized to use a seat from the team. However, it's possible to manually speed up the process and immediately reclaim any seats currently in use by recently removed team members. - [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino_accounts/removeteammemeber|Remove team members from the team.]] - Go to the [[https://www.rhino3d.com/licenses|Licenses Portal]]. - Click on the name of the team that you want to manage. - Scroll to the bottom and click //Manage Team > Void Unauthorized Leases…//. - Click //"Yes"//. - If Rhino is in use then the unauthorized user will see a //“You have been removed from the team ‘ABC’. Do you want to keep using Rhino here?”// message. {{:rhino_accounts:void_unauthorized_leases.png?600|}} //**Note:** Only team owners and admins can perform this operation.// Back to [[https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino_accounts/home|Cloud Zoo Home Page]].