======Using LAN Zoo with a Proxy Server====== > **Product:** //[[zoo:home|Zoo]]// > **Summary:** //Discusses how to bypass a proxy server to access a LAN Zoo server.// Today, many organizations use proxies to protect their users from intrusion and to use smaller amounts of publicly routed IP addresses. A proxy is a server that sits between you and the Internet. It receives all client requests to the Internet, fulfills the request itself, and then sends the information to the client. =====Bypassing a proxy server===== There are instances where you prefer to bypass the proxy and access the website or resource directly. A example is the locally available resource, like a LAN Zoo Server, which is available through a direct network access. Windows offers support for adding and configuring proxies inside Internet Explorer’s settings. You can choose to enable the option **Bypass Proxy Server for local addresses** to bypass any local addresses by following these steps: - Click **Start**, and then click **Control Panel**. - Click **Network and Internet**, and then click **Internet Options**. - In the Internet Options dialog box, click the **Connections** tab. - Click the **LAN Settings** button. - Select the **Bypass proxy server for local addresses** checkbox. - Click **OK** to complete the proxy configuration process. {{:zoo:bypass_proxy.png}} \\ {{tag>Zoo}}