Rhino 5 ライブウェビナー(英語)

Rhino 5 のライブウェビナー(英語)についてはこちらをご覧ください: Rhino 5 Live

"New in Rhino 5" ビデオ

Summary of Improvements and New Features

Details of what is new in Rhino 5.

Session 1 - Getting Started User Interface HD

Interface details...

Session 2 - Object Creation Improvements

Modeling details...

Session 3 - Display and Rendering Improvements HD

Rendering details...

Session 4 - Editing and Transformation Improvements

Editing details...

Session 5 - Large Project Support and Block Improvements HD

Large projects details...

Session 6 - 2D Improvements for Layouts, Annotations & Dimensions HD

Drafting, technical illustration, and printing details...

Session 7 - Administration - Zoo5 - Development HD

Administration tools details...


“What's New in Rhino 5” のビデオは全てこちらでご覧いただけます。
