Changing Rhino 8, 7, or 6 licensing method

There are now three ways to license Rhino. Select one of the following:

Learn more about these options...

To Change Licensing Methods

  1. Remove your license from its current location (see below)
  2. Add your license to the new location (a different computer, the Zoo or CloudZoo)

A - To Remove a Stand-alone or "Locked" License

  1. Connect your computer to the Internet
  2. Start Rhino
    1. Windows: From the Tools menu, click Options
    2. Mac: From the Rhinoceros (for V6), Rhino 7, or Rhino 8 menu, click Settings
  3. Click on Licenses
  4. Click Change your license key
  5. Click Options
  6. Click Remove license

Need to add a license?

Note: You can also return a single-computer license validation by uninstalling Rhino (Win).

B - To Remove a License From The LAN Zoo

  1. Connect the Zoo server to the Internet
  2. Open Zoo Administrator on the server running your Zoo (Requires Administrator permissions)
  3. Select the license to remove
  4. Click the X button in the toolbar

Your license is available to be used somewhere else.

C - To Remove a Personal Cloud Zoo license

  1. Go to the Rhino Web site Licenses page (log in to your account if necessary)
  2. Click your name in the Personal licenses section
  3. Click the license name
  4. Click the Edition type
  5. Click Remove From Cloud Zoo

Your license is available to be used somewhere else.

D - To Remove a license from a Cloud Zoo Team

  1. Go to the Rhino Web site Licenses page (log in to your account if necessary)
  2. Click the team name that contains the license
  3. Click the license name
  4. Click the Edition type
  5. Click Remove From Cloud Zoo (Requires you are the Team Owner or Team Admin)

Your license is available to be used somewhere else.