Install Error 1601 - Rhino 6

Install Service Failure (-2147023295)

Summary: How to fix the installation Error 1601


A wide variety of problems can cause 1601 errors. Please follow all the steps below.


Step 1: Perform Windows updates

  1. Locate and run the Windows Update service.
  2. If there are any important updates to install, click Update Now to install the updates. This process can take a long time.
  3. If there is an error when trying to run the Windows Update installer, please read Troubleshoot common problems with installing updates.
  4. If you resolve the Windows update problem and finish running Windows Update service.

Step 2: Install .NET 4.6 framework

  1. Download and run the .NET 4.6 framework installer.
  2. If the Microsoft .NET installer shows an error:
    1. Write down the error
    2. Proceed to Still not working?, below.

Step 3: Install Rhino

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Download the most recent Rhino 6 installer here: Rhino 6 complete download
  3. Run the file you downloaded to start the installation process.
  4. If the installer fails, save a copy of the log file to your desktop.

Still not working?

That's frustrating. We're sorry! Please email the log file from Step 3 to