Grasshopper Certified Specialist Testing

These exams certifies that the tester demonstrates proficiency with Grasshopper in Rhinoceros.

Grasshopper Level 1

Coming soon! We will add links to the testing site soon!

Get ready by studying up on these topics and concepts.

Level 1 Topics:

Study Resources

  1. "5 Steps to Learn Grasshopper" which offers essential resources for beginners.
  2. Jump Start Grasshopper by Rajaa Issa, McNeel & Associates
  3. Intro to Grasshopper by David Rutten, McNeel & Associates
  4. Computational Design with Grasshopper with Andres Gonzalez, McNeel & Associates
  5. More Grasshopper Tutorials on the Learn Page

Grasshopper Level 2

Coming soon! We will add links to the testing site soon!

Study Guide

Get ready by studying up on these topics and concepts.

Level 2 Topics:

Any questions? Grasshopper support is available on the Rhino Support Forum in the Grasshopper Category. All questions are welcome.