Diagnosing Rhino 4.0 Startup Errors

If Rhino 4.0 fails to start on your computer, use the Rhino Debugging Harness to generate detailed information that will help the Rhino Development Team understand what is happening on your computer.

Debug Phase 1, Safe Mode:

1. Install the latest build of Rhino 4.0 (Service Releases are downloadable from www.rhino3d.com/download.htm).

2. Download the Rhino Debugging Harness and save it to your desktop.

3. Start RhinoDebugHarness.exe.

4. Select the Start in Safe Mode checkbox.

5. Clear the OpenGL Acceleration Enabled checkbox.

6. Click the Start Rhino Button.

Let Rhino try to start for a few moments.

Did Rhino start properly?

Yes: Keep Rhino Debug Harness running, and proceed to Debug Phase 2.

No: No further testing will help diagnose this problem. Please do the following:

Debug Phase 2, OpenGL Hardware Acceleration Disabled:

1. Clear the Start in Safe Mode checkbox.

2. Clear the OpenGL Acceleration Enabled checkbox.

3. Click the Start Rhino Button.

Did Rhino start properly?

Yes: Keep Rhino Debug Harness running, and proceed to Debug Phase 3.

No: Please let McNeel Tech Support know that:

Debug Phase 3, OpenGL Hardware Acceleration Enabled:

1. Clear the Start in Safe Mode checkbox.

2. Select the OpenGL Acceleration Enabled checkbox.

3. Click the Start Rhino Button.

Did Rhino start properly?

Yes: Rhino seems to be functioning properly. Close the Rhino Debug Harness.

No: The problem is likely related to your OpenGL card or driver. Please download the latest OpenGL driver from your computer or video card manufacturer. If this does not solve the problem, please contat McNeel Tech support and let them know that: