User-developed Macros

Summary: Various user-developed macros to automate common tasks and speed your workflow

Move Vertical Incremental

Moves objects vertically the amount entered, + values move up, - values move down.

! _Move _Pause

Offset Bounding Box

Creates a bounding box offset (larger than the object in all directions) by the amount specified (user is prompted for the distance input).

! _Select _Pause _Setredrawoff
_BoundingBox _World _Enter
_Selnone _Sellast
_OffsetSrf _Solid _Pause
_Delete _Sellast
_BoundingBox _World _Enter
_Delete _Setredrawon

No Mesh Bounding Box

Creates a bounding box that doesn't require a mesh generation.

! _Select _Pause
_Group _Enter -_SetGroupName BBObjects _Enter
_ClosestPt 100000000,0,0
_Selnone _Sellast _Group _Enter -_SetGroupName ClosestPoints _Enter
_Selnone -_SelGroup BBObjects
_ClosestPt 0,100000000,0
_Selnone _Sellast -_AddToGroup ClosestPoints
_Selnone -_SelGroup BBObjects
_ClosestPt 0,0,100000000
_Selnone _Sellast -_AddToGroup ClosestPoints
_Selnone -_SelGroup BBObjects
_ClosestPt -100000000,0,0
_Selnone _Sellast -_AddToGroup ClosestPoints
_Selnone -_SelGroup BBObjects
_ClosestPt 0,-100000000,0
_Selnone _Sellast -_AddToGroup ClosestPoints
_Selnone -_SelGroup BBObjects
_ClosestPt 0,0,-100000000
_Selnone _Sellast -_AddToGroup ClosestPoints
_SelNone -_SelGroup ClosestPoints
_BoundingBox w _Enter
-_SelGroup ClosestPoints _Delete
-_SelGroup BBObjects _Ungroup

Set Custom Render Mesh Values

Sets your custom render mesh values without having to go into Doc Properties. Suggestion: create several with different settings.

! -_DocumentProperties
_Mesh _Custom
_MaxAngle=0 _AspectRatio=0
_MinEdgeLength=0 _MaxEdgeLength=0
_MaxEdgeSrf=0.01 _GridQuads=16
_Refine=Yes _JaggedSeams=No
_SimplePlanes=No _Enter _Enter

Circular Plane Center, Radius

! _Circle _pause _pause
_sellast _PlanarSrf _delete

Circular Plane 2 Points Diameter

! _Circle _diameter _pause _pause
_sellast _PlanarSrf _delete