Finding Linked Files

How Rhino Searches for Linked Blocks or Worksession References

Rhinoceros Versions 5 or later.

Rhinoceros versions 5 or later automatically attempts to find files a linked block definition or worksession references if they are not located in the expected location. The goal is to minimize the number of times you are asked to find files that have been moved.

Common cases that the automatic finding attempts to handle include:

File name terminology

To describe the process Rhinoceros uses to find files, we will use these terms.

Searching for files

When Rhinoceros saves the names of models used by worksessions and linked block definitions, it saves both the complete file name and the relative file name, relative to the parent file directory. When Rhino 5 is looking for a model file used by a worksession or linked instance definition, it searches in the following order:

  1. Saved complete file name.
  2. Saved relative file name relative to the parent file directory.
  3. A complete file name is made by replacing the storage device (drive letter) in the saved complete file name with the storage device (drive letter) in the working directory.
  4. The short file name in the parent directory.
  5. The short file name in the active model directory.
  6. The short file name in the working directory.
  7. Searches subdirectories of the complete directory.
  8. Searches subdirectories of the parent directory.
  9. Searches subdirectories of the active model directory.

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