You have finished installing Rhino V5 on your 64-bit Windows computer and you have two Shortcuts.
The V5 installer installs both 32 and 64-bit versions of Rhino automatically. Each one has abilities and limitations the other does not.
32-bit Rhino V5:
Advantage - Rhino V5 32-bit can run plug-ins designed for V5 AND Rhino V4.
Disadvantage - 32-bit applications are limited to using a total of 4GB of memory, shared between Windows and the application.
64-bit Rhino V5:
Advantage - Rhino V5 64-bit is not limited to 4GB of memory. It can use all of the memory installed in your computer.
Disadvantage - 64-bit V5 cannot run plug-ins designed for Rhino V4. It must have plug-ins designed specifically for it.
Do I need both?
Maybe, maybe not.
If you're not sure leave both installed
If disk space is critical, perhaps on an SSD hard drive, you can uninstall the one you don't need.
If needed, you can uninstall either the 32 or 64-bit version of Rhino.
Do not uninstall the “Rhinoceros 5 Help Media or Rhinoceros 5 Language Pack Installers