AutoCAD Aliases for Rhino


AutoCAD has a number of useful command aliases. For example, if you enter “L” at the AutoCAD command prompt, the Line command will run. Can these aliases be build into Rhino's standard set of aliases?


Rather than build AutoCAD aliases into Rhino, we have provided a standard set of AutoCAD aliases that you can import into Rhino.

Setting up Rhino for Windows

  1. Download and unzip the AutoCAD Aliases for Rhino text file.
  2. Launch Rhino for Windows and then click Tools → Options.
  3. Navigate to the Aliases page.
  4. Click the Import button.
  5. Select the text file you just unzipped.

Setting up Rhino for Mac

  1. Download and unzip the AutoCAD Aliases for Rhino text file.
  2. Launch Rhino for Mac and then click Rhinoceros → Preferences.
  3. Click the Aliases option.
  4. Click 'Gear' drop down button and then click the Import aliases from file… menu item.
  5. Select the text file you just unzipped.