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rhino:home:sitecannotbereached [2024/12/18]
maryfugier [Site or License Server Can't Be Reached]
rhino:home:sitecannotbereached [2024/12/18] (current)
maryfugier [Site or License Server Can't Be Reached]
Line 3: Line 3:
 You may see this error when opening Rhino6 or later. You get these errors when the **McNeel license server** can not be reached. You may see this error when opening Rhino6 or later. You get these errors when the **McNeel license server** can not be reached.
-//This site can't be reached.//+"//This site can't be reached.//"
 {{:rhino:home:site_can_t_be_reached_error.png?400|}} {{:rhino:home:site_can_t_be_reached_error.png?400|}}
-//McNeel servers can not be reached//+"//McNeel servers can not be reached//"
 {{:rhino:home:license_server_error.png?400|}} {{:rhino:home:license_server_error.png?400|}}
rhino/home/sitecannotbereached.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/12/18 by maryfugier