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rhino:mac:home:rhinomacwontstart [2024/09/26]
rhino:mac:home:rhinomacwontstart [2024/09/30] (current)
Line 24: Line 24:
 6. With Rhino successfully starting, now you can reinstall Enscape 6. With Rhino successfully starting, now you can reinstall Enscape
 +7. if you get "permissions denied" as a return when you run the steps above, add the prefix **sudo** then a space, then the command string above. 
 +this will call the admin credentials dialog box allowing you to enter admin credentials. Enter admin credentials and the command string
 +should complete successfully. 
 +8. If all the above fails, you can browse directly to the folder in the finder and delete the folder manually by dragging it into 
 +the trash. (confirm with admin credentials) 
 If the issue persists, please contact [[|McNeel Technical Support]] tech@mcneelcom. If the issue persists, please contact [[|McNeel Technical Support]] tech@mcneelcom.
rhino/mac/home/rhinomacwontstart.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/30 by kyle