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rhino:mac:resetprefs [2024/05/23]
rhino:mac:resetprefs [2024/05/23] (current)
dan [Rhino 8 for Mac]
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-====== Rhino for Mac - Settings/Preferences ======+====== Rhino for Mac - Settings ======
 Here are a few procedures for manipulating your collection of settings/preferences for Rhino for Mac. Here are a few procedures for manipulating your collection of settings/preferences for Rhino for Mac.
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 Some or all of Rhino's Settings can be restored to their default values. Some or all of Rhino's Settings can be restored to their default values.
-The *Save Settings for Support...button allows you to zip up all of your settings for archival purposes (useful for sending to McNeel developers for diagnosis).+The //Save Settings for Support...// button allows you to zip up all of your settings for archival purposes (useful for sending to McNeel developers for diagnosis).
 Rhino 8 for Mac stores its Settings in the following folder: Rhino 8 for Mac stores its Settings in the following folder:
-/Users/[yourname]/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/[version]/settings+///Users/[yourname]/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/[version]/settings//
 +Each time you use **Reset** to reset your settings, Rhino saves a backup copy to the:
 +///Users/[yourname]/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/[version-backup-date]//
 +folder so they can always be retrieved if your Reset in error.
 ====== Older Versions of Rhino ====== ====== Older Versions of Rhino ======
-The following information is out-of-date, but is provided for legacy versions of Rhino.+:!: The following information is out-of-date, but is provided for legacy versions of Rhino. :!: 
 Rhino for Mac versions 5-7 provide three commands for managing your preferences: Rhino for Mac versions 5-7 provide three commands for managing your preferences:
rhino/mac/resetprefs.1716485603.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/23 by dan