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zoo:diagnosticsmac [2023/11/28]
zoo:diagnosticsmac [2024/10/01] (current)
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 > **Product:** //[[zoo:home|Zoo]]// > **Product:** //[[zoo:home|Zoo]]//
 > **Summary:** //Discusses Terminal for diagnosing network LAN Zoo issues on Mac// > **Summary:** //Discusses Terminal for diagnosing network LAN Zoo issues on Mac//
 +Need Windows? Go [[|here]].
 **[[|Terminal]]** runs on a **Rhino for Mac** workstation. It provides command line access to several useful network diagnostics to troubleshoot connectivity issues between Rhino for Mac workstations and Zoo servers. **[[|Terminal]]** runs on a **Rhino for Mac** workstation. It provides command line access to several useful network diagnostics to troubleshoot connectivity issues between Rhino for Mac workstations and Zoo servers.
zoo/diagnosticsmac.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/01 by maryfugier