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zoo:overview [2024/11/14]
maryfugier [More information]
zoo:overview [2024/11/14] (current)
maryfugier [More information]
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 =====More information===== =====More information=====
   * **Standard Internet protocol support.** Clients communicate with LAN Zoo using **HTTP (Port 80)** protocol. This makes it much easier for system administrators to route Zoo requests on complex networks or over the Internet.   * **Standard Internet protocol support.** Clients communicate with LAN Zoo using **HTTP (Port 80)** protocol. This makes it much easier for system administrators to route Zoo requests on complex networks or over the Internet.
-  * **Port 80 communication** is required and this port is not configurable.+  * **HTTP Port 80 communication is required** (to and from the Zoo server and clients) and this port is **not** configurable in the LAN Zoo.
   * **Firewall friendly.** LAN Zoo requires the client to periodically check with the server, but never initiates connections back to the client. Administrators do not need to open firewall ports on client machines.   * **Firewall friendly.** LAN Zoo requires the client to periodically check with the server, but never initiates connections back to the client. Administrators do not need to open firewall ports on client machines.
   * **Limited license checkout.** The prior LAN Zoo version allowed license checkout to support laptop users for business travel, but there was no limit to the checkout duration. LAN Zoo now lets the administrator specify the license checkout duration.   * **Limited license checkout.** The prior LAN Zoo version allowed license checkout to support laptop users for business travel, but there was no limit to the checkout duration. LAN Zoo now lets the administrator specify the license checkout duration.
   * **Third-party plug-in support.** LAN Zoo allows third party plug-in developers to add support for their products to the LAN Zoo.   * **Third-party plug-in support.** LAN Zoo allows third party plug-in developers to add support for their products to the LAN Zoo.
zoo/overview.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/14 by maryfugier