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zoo:rhinomacdeployment [2021/10/19]
zoo:rhinomacdeployment [2025/02/14] (current)
brian [To Deploy Rhino 8:]
Line 7: Line 7:
 We use [[|Casper]] and other management systems to build packages and push applications out to client systems. This usually includes bundling the license configuration information with the distribution application. We use [[|Casper]] and other management systems to build packages and push applications out to client systems. This usually includes bundling the license configuration information with the distribution application.
 +In addition to the **LIC** file, Rhino looks for a **LicensesZooClient.Settings** file. It contains the host name or IP address of your Zoo server. See [[|How Does Rhino for Mac Find a Zoo Server?]] for details.
 =====Answer===== =====Answer=====
 +====To Deploy Rhino 8:====
 +    - Install Rhino for Mac on a computer, and license it to connect to your LAN Zoo server.
 +    -  Rhino creates the **/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager/Licenses/868c63f5-3760-4a45-8600-5399cc57b47c.lic**
 +    - Deploy a copy of the license folder (**/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager**) to the same location on the target computers.
 +    - Change the file and folder access permissions to match (chmod 644).
 +    - Deploy Rhino to the target computers.
 ====To Deploy Rhino 7:==== ====To Deploy Rhino 7:====
Line 14: Line 25:
     - Install Rhino for Mac on a computer, and license it to connect to your LAN Zoo server.     - Install Rhino for Mac on a computer, and license it to connect to your LAN Zoo server.
     -  Rhino creates the **/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/7.0/License Manager/Licenses/59ff75c9-9c71-4ef8-a290-6b590f3fc63a.lic**     -  Rhino creates the **/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/7.0/License Manager/Licenses/59ff75c9-9c71-4ef8-a290-6b590f3fc63a.lic**
-    - Deploy a copy of the license file to the same location on the target computers. +    - Deploy a copy of the license  folder (**/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/7.0/License Manager**)  to the same location on the target computers. 
-    - Change the file and folder access permissions to match (chmod 666).+    - Change the file and folder access permissions to match (chmod 644).
     - Deploy Rhino to the target computers.     - Deploy Rhino to the target computers.
Line 22: Line 33:
     - Install Rhino for Mac on a computer, and license it to connect to your LAN Zoo server.     - Install Rhino for Mac on a computer, and license it to connect to your LAN Zoo server.
     -  Rhino creates the **/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/License Manager/Licenses/55500d41-3a41-4474-99b3-684032a4f4df.lic**     -  Rhino creates the **/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/License Manager/Licenses/55500d41-3a41-4474-99b3-684032a4f4df.lic**
-    - Deploy a copy of the license file to the same location on the target computers.  +    - Deploy a copy of the license  folder (**/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/License Manager**)  to the same location on the target computers.  
-    - Set the file and folder access permissions to match (chmod 666).+    - Set the file and folder access permissions to match (chmod 644).
     - Deploy Rhino to the target computers.     - Deploy Rhino to the target computers.
Line 33: Line 44:
     - Rhino creates **/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/License Manager/LicensesZooClient.settings**     - Rhino creates **/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/License Manager/LicensesZooClient.settings**
     - Deploy both files to the same location on the target computers.      - Deploy both files to the same location on the target computers. 
-    - Change the file and folder access permissions to match (chmod 666).+    - Change the file and folder access permissions to match (chmod 644).
     - Deploy Rhino to the target computers.     - Deploy Rhino to the target computers.
Line 42: Line 53:
     - A common mistake is to confuse ///Library// (the global library) and ///Users/[user_account]/Library// (the user's library).  Please make sure you are looking in the global library.     - A common mistake is to confuse ///Library// (the global library) and ///Users/[user_account]/Library// (the user's library).  Please make sure you are looking in the global library.
     - Also, Rhino 6 and Rhino 7 create the Zoo license files under **License Manager** in explicit **6** & **7** subfolder, while Rhino 5 creates its files in the root of **License Manager** and **License** subfolder. In other words, Rhino 5 does not create a **5** subfolder.     - Also, Rhino 6 and Rhino 7 create the Zoo license files under **License Manager** in explicit **6** & **7** subfolder, while Rhino 5 creates its files in the root of **License Manager** and **License** subfolder. In other words, Rhino 5 does not create a **5** subfolder.
-    - For standalone licenses, the license file file is encrypted, unreadable, and unique per system. It cannot be copied to different computers for deployment.+    - For standalone licenses, the license file is encrypted, unreadable, and unique per system. It cannot be copied to different computers for deployment.
     - For LAN Zoo and Cloud Zoo licenses, the license file is clear text, and can be moved between one system and another.     - For LAN Zoo and Cloud Zoo licenses, the license file is clear text, and can be moved between one system and another.
zoo/rhinomacdeployment.1634658709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/19 by brian