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zoo:virtualdesktop [2021/03/12]
zoo:virtualdesktop [2024/12/22] (current)
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 =====Answer===== =====Answer=====
-Technically, Rhino should run in [[|Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)]] environments if installed as a standalone-node using an Educational Lab license. Single-user licenses should also work, but only for a single-user at a time.+Technically, Rhino should run in [[|Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)]] environments if installed as a standalone-node using an Educational Lab license. Single-user licenses should also work, but only for a single-user at a time.
 Rhino should also run in VDI environments if installed as a network-node, using a LAN Zoo license server to distribute licenses. Rhino should also run in VDI environments if installed as a network-node, using a LAN Zoo license server to distribute licenses.
zoo/virtualdesktop.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/12/22 by brian