
Summary: Description of PanelingTools methods for Rhino that are available for RhinoScript developers.

PanelingTools Scripting for Rhino 4 aims to make PanelingTools methods available for RhinoScript developers. This document includes full description of PanelingTools scripting methods.

Examples using all methods are attached to toolbar buttons. Toolbars (PanelingTools.tb) are available for download (zipped with the plug-in when you download from the PanelingTools wiki page).

Accessing methods: how to get PanelingTools plug-in object:

The first step is to get hold of PanelingTools plug-in object. Make sure PanelingTools.rhp plug-in is loaded when you start Rhino. (Use PluginManager command to load PanelingTools.rhp for the first time.)

The plug-in object is accessed using GetPluginObject(“Plugin Name”) as shown in the following:


Rhino.GetPluginObject (strPlugIn)

strPlugIn String. The name of a registered plug-in that supports scripting. If the plug-in is registered but not loaded, it will be loaded
Object A scriptable object if successful
Null If not successful, or on error

PanelingTools toolbars have a script toolbar last button of the main toolbar that has examples for each of the methods. You can use right mouse click while holding shift button down to open a toolbar button. You can then check/modify scripts.

To access PanelingTools (PT) methods from within the Rhino Script Editor, you need to save PanelingTools.syntaxml file in the %ProgramData%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\MonkeyEditor\Resources folder.

Methods description

Available methods

Divide curve span ( by number or by distance)

Finds dividing points of a curve by distance or number.


PTObj.DivideCurveSpan( strObject, bMode, intNumber, doubleDis, bRound, bRoundMethod, bAdd )

strObject String. Curve object to be divided
bMode Boolean. 0 = divide by number, 1 = divide by distance
intNumber Integer. Number of divide points
doubleDis Double. Distance between dividing points
bRound Boolean. Rounding to fit curve length
bRoundMethod Boolean. true = round down. false = round up
bAdd Boolean. Add dividing points to context
Array Array of divide points
Null If not successful, or on error

Divide curve by distance on curve Finds dividing points of a curve by distance on curve.


PTObj.DivideCurveByDistance( strObject, doubleDis, bRound, bRoundMethod, bAdd )

strObject String. Curve object to be divided
doubleDis Double. Distance between dividing points
bRound Bool. Rounding to fit curve length
bRoundMethod Bool. True = round down. False = round up
bAdd Bool. Add dividing points to context
Array Array of divide points
Null If not successful, or on error

Divide curve by exact or direct distance Finds dividing points of a curve by direct distance.


PTObj.DivideCurveByDirectDistance( strObject, doubleDis, bAddend, bAdd )

strObject String. Curve object to be divided
doubleDis Double. Direct distance between dividing points
bAddEnd Bool. Add end point on curve
bAdd Bool. Add dividing points to context
Array Array of divide points
Null If not successful, or on error

Generate surface divide points based on surface UV directions Generates surface grid of points by number or distance following surface U & V directions. In case of dividing by distance, the defined distance is applied only on the first iso-curve in each direction. It varies if the surface is doubly curved.


PTObj.DivideSurfaceSpan( strSrfObject, bUMode,bVMode, intUNum, intVNum, doubleUDis, doubleVDis, bURound, bVRound, bURoundMethod, bVRoundMethod, bAdd )

strSrfObject String. Surface object to generate point grid for
bUMode Bool. Divide mode in U direction: False=By-Number, True=By-Distance
bVMode Bool. Divide mode in V direction: False=By-Number, True=By-Distance
intUNum Integer. Number of points in first ( U ) direction
intVNum Integer. Number of points in second ( V ) direction
doubleUDis Double. Distance between points in first ( U ) direction
doubleVDis Double. Distance between points in second ( V ) direction
bURound Bool. Option to round result in U direction
bVRound Bool. Option to round result in V direction
bURoundMethod Bool. True = round down. False = round up
bVRoundMethod Bool. True = round down. False = round up
bAdd Bool. Add points to context
Array of Arrays Array of point-objects arrays (2 dimensional array of points)
Null If not successful, or on error

Generate surface divide points based on direct distance Generates surface grid of points by direct distance between points. This method is a bit fragile. Each new point is based on previously calculated points. If a point fails to generate, subsequent points of that row fail as well. Setting extend option to true helps to create more predictable results in most cases (unless when extending the surface creates self intersecting or weird results).


PTObj.DivideSurfaceByDirectDistance( strSrfObject, doubleUDis, doubleVDis, bExtend, bAdd )

strSrfObject String. Surface object to generate point grid for
doubleUDis Double. Distance between points in first ( U ) direction
doubleVDis Double. Distance between points in second ( V ) direction
bExtend Bool. True = extend surface to possibly get better coverage
bAdd Bool. Add points to context
Array Of Arrays Array of point-objects array (2 dimensional array of points)
Null If not successful, or on error

Sub paneling Paneling surface using seed polylines. Polylines are sub divided and pulled back to surfaces to generate panels.


PTObj.SubPaneling( strSrfObject, arrCrvObject, intMethod, intDegree, bPull )

strSrfObject String. Surface object to be sub-paneled
arrCrvObject Array of Strings. Polyline objects to sub-panel surface with
intMethod Integer. 0=all, 1=subs only, 2=mains only
intDegree Integer. Levels of sub paneling
bPull Bool. Pull panels to surface or keep straight
Array Array of string of panel curves objects
Null If not successful, or on error.

Random paneling – Generate points randomly Triangular paneling using random set of points on surface.


PTObj.RandomPaneling( strSrfObject, intNumOfPoints, bPull )

strSrfObject String. Surface object to be paneled randomly
intNumOfPoints Integer. Number of points generated randomly on surface
bPull Bool. Pull panels to surface or keep straight
Array Array of string of panel curves objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Random paneling – Select points Triangular paneling using random set of points on surface.


PTObj.RandomPanelingWithPoints( strSrfObject, arrPointObjects, bPull )

strSrfObject String. Surface object to be paneled randomly
arrPoints Array. Points to be paneled
bPull Bool. Pull panels to surface or keep straight
Array Array of string of panel curves objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Paneling edges of a grid Creates edge panels from an ordered paneling grid of points.


PTObj.PanelEdgesWithOrderedPoints( arrPoints, intPattern, [optional]strBrepObject, [optional] bPull )

arrPoints Array. Points to be paneled
intPattern Integer between 0 and 7. ( 0=Box, 1=BoxX, 2=Triangular, 3=Dense, 4=Diamond, 5=AngleBox, 6=Wave, 7=Brick )
strBrepObject [Optional] String. Base object (surface or polysurface)
bPull [Optional] Bool. Pull panels to surface or keep straight
Array Array of string of curves objects (panels edges)
Null If not successful, or on error

Paneling faces of a grid Creates face panels (outline border) from an ordered paneling grid of points.


PTObj.PanelFacesWithOrderedPoints( arrPoints, intPattern, [optional]strBrepObject, [optional] bPull )

arrPoints Array Points to be paneled
intPattern Integer between 0 and 7. ( 0=Box, 1=BoxX, 2=Triangular, 3=Dense, 4=Diamond, 5=AngleBox, 6=Wave, 7=Brick )
strBrepObject [Optional] String. Base object (surface or polysurface)
bPull [Optional] Bool. Pull panels to surface or keep straight
Array Array of string of curves objects (panels faces)
Null If not successful, or on error

Paneling flat faces of a grid Creates flat face panels (trimmed planar surfaces) from an ordered paneling grid of points.


PTObj.PanelFlatFacesWithOrderedPoints( arrPoints, intPattern, [optional]strBrepObject, [optional] intMethod )

arrPoints Array. Points to be paneled
intPattern Integer between 0 and 7. ( 0=Box, 1=BoxX, 2=Triangular, 3=Dense, 4=Diamond, 5=AngleBox, 6=Wave, 7=Brick )
strBrepObject [Optional] String. Base object (surface or polysurface)
intMetod [Optional] Integer. 0=fit panel through corners, 1=align center to base surface
Array Array of string of surface objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Mesh of a grid Creates a mesh from an ordered paneling grid of points.


PTObj.PanelMeshWithOrderedPoints( arrPoints, intPattern, [optional]strBrepObject )

arrPoints Array. Points to be paneled
intPattern Integer between 0 and 7. ( 0=Box, 1=BoxX, 2=Triangular, 3=Dense, 4=Diamond, 5=AngleBox, 6=Wave, 7=Brick )
strBrepObject [Optional] String. Base object (surface or polysurface)
String Mesh object
Null If not successful, or on error

Custom paneling of a grid Creates a custom pattern from pattern curves and points and ordered paneling grid of points. Pattern can be either curves, points, or both.


PTObj.PanelCustomWithOrderedPoints( arrPoints, arrPattern, intUSpacing, intVSpacing, [optional] strBrepObject, [optional] bPull )

arrPoints Array. Points to be paneled
arrPattern Array. Pattern curves and points
intUSpacing Integer. Spacing in first or U direction
intVSpacing Integer. Spacing in second or V direction
strBrepObject [Optional] String. Base object (surface or polysurface)
bPull [Optional] Bool. Pull panels to surface or keep straight
Array Array of string of curve objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Panel quads with ordered points Create quads point grid within deviation.


PTObj.PanelQuadsWithOrderedPoints( arrPoints, doubleDeviation )

arrPoints Array. Points to be paneled
doubleDeviation Double. Maximum deviation from input grid
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by array Create ordered grid of points by array.


PTObj.GridByArray( ptBase, intUNum, doubleUSpacing, vectorUdir, intVNum, doubleVSpacing, vectorVDir, bGroup, strName )

ptBase Array. Base point of the array
intUNum Integer. Number of points in first ( U ) direction
doubleUSpacing Double. Distance between points in first ( U ) direction
vectorVDir Array. First direction
intVNum Integer. Number of points in second ( V ) direction
doubleVSpacing Double. Distance between points in second ( V ) direction
vectorVDir Array. Second direction
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by array polar Create ordered grid of points by array polar.


PTObj.GridByArrayPolar( ptRotation, vectorRAxis, ptBase, vectorUDir, intUNum, doubleUSpacing, intVNum, doubleVAngle, bGroup, strName )

ptRotation Array. Center of rotation
vectorRAxis Array. Rotation axis
ptBase Array. Base point of the array
vectorVDir Array. Direction of points
intUNum Integer. Number of points in first direction
doubleUSpacing Double. Distance between points in first ( U ) direction
intVNum Integer. Number of points in second ( polar ) direction
doubleVAngle Double. Angle between points in second ( polar ) direction
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by one direction curves Create ordered grid of points using one directional curve.


PTObj.GridByOneDirectionCurve( strCrvObject, intUMethod, intUNum, doubleUDis, bURound, bURoundmethod, bUAddend, intVMethod, intVNum, doubleVDis, vectorVDir, bGroup, strName )

strCrvObject String. Direction curve
intUMethod Integer. Divide method of direction curve (0=ByNumber, 1=ByDistance, 2=ByDirectDistance)
intUNum Integer. Number of divide points
doubleUDis Double. Distance between divide points
bURound Boolean. Rounding to fit curve length
bURoundMethod Boolean. true = round down. false = round up
bUAddEnd Boolean. Add end point (When divide by direct distance)
intVMethod Integer. Extrude method in second ( V ) direction (0=Parallel, 1=Polar)
intVNum Integer. Number of points in second ( V ) direction
doubleVDis Double. Distance/Angle between points in second ( V ) direction
vectorVDir Array. Second direction
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by two direction curves Create ordered grid of points using two directional curves.


PTObj.GridByTwoDirectionCurves( arrstrCrvs, intUMethod, intUNum, doubleUDis, bURound, bURoundmethod, bUAddend, intVMethod, intVNum, doubleVDis, bVRound, bVRoundmethod, bVAddend, bGroup, strName )

arrstrCrvs Array of two Strings. Direction curves
intUMethod Integer. Divide method of direction curve (0=ByNumber, 1=ByDistance, 2=ByDirectDistance)
intUNum Integer. Number of divide points
doubleUDis Double. Distance between divide points
bURound Boolean. Rounding to fit curve length
bURoundMethod Boolean. true = round down. false = round up
bUAddEnd Boolean. Add end point (When divide by direct distance)
intVMethod Integer. Divide method of second curve (0=ByNumber, 1=ByDistance, 2=ByDirectDistance)
intVNum Integer. Number of divide points
doubleVDis Double. Distance between divide points
bVRound Boolean. Rounding to fit curve length
bVRoundMethod Boolean. true = round down. false = round up
bVAddEnd Boolean. Add end point (When divide by direct distance)
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by U curves Create ordered grid of points using array of curves.


PTObj.GridByUCurves( arrstrCrvs, intMethod, intNum, doubleDis, bRound, bRoundmethod, bAddend, bGroup, strName )

arrstrCrvs Array of Strings. Curves in order
intMethod Integer. Divide method of curves (0=ByNumber, 1=ByDistance, 2=ByDirectDistance)
intNum Integer. Number of divide points
doubleDis Double. Distance between divide points
bRound Boolean. Rounding to fit curve length
bRoundMethod Boolean. true = round down. false = round up
bAddEnd Boolean. Add end point (When divide by direct distance)
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by UV curves Create ordered grid of points using array of curves in two directions. Grid is made out of curves intersections.


PTObj.GridByUVCurves( arrstrCrvs0, arrstrCrvs1, bGroup, strName )

arrstrCrvs Array of Strings. Curves of first direction, in order
arrstrCrvs Array of Strings. Curves of second direction, in order
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by object direction Create ordered grid of points using base object and direction curve.


PTObj.GridByObjectDirection(strBrepObject, strCrvObject, vectorProjDir, vectorExtrudeDir, intCutNum, doubleCutDis, intMethod, intNum, doubleDis, bRound, bRoundmethod, bAddend, bGroup, strName )

strBrepObject String. Object to create grid for
strCrvObject String. Direction curve
vectorProjDir Array(x,y,z). Projection direction
vectorExtrudeDir Array(x,y,z). Extrusion direction
intCutNum Integer. Number of cuts
doubleCutDis Double. Distance between cuts
intMethod Integer. Divide method of curves (0=ByNumber, 1=ByDistance, 2=ByDirectDistance)
intNum Integer. Number of divide points
doubleDis Double. Distance between divide points
bRound Boolean. Rounding to fit curve length
bRoundMethod Boolean. true = round down. false = round up
bAddEnd Boolean. Add end point (When divide by direct distance)
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by surface UV Create ordered grid of points following input surface UV direction.


PTObj.GridBySurfaceUV( strSrfObject, bUMode, bVMode, intUNum, intVNum, doubleUDis, doubleVDis, bURound, bVRound, bURoundMethod, bVRoundMethod, bGroup, strName )

strSrfObject String. Surface object to generate point grid for
bUMode Bool. Divide mode in U direction: False=By-Number, True=By-Distance
bVMode Bool. Divide mode in V direction: False=By-Number, True=By-Distance
intUNum Integer. Number of points in first ( U ) direction
intVNum Integer. Number of points in second ( V ) direction
doubleUDis Double. Distance between points in first ( U ) direction
doubleVDis Double. Distance between points in second ( V ) direction
bURound Bool. Option to round result in U direction
bVRound Bool. Option to round result in V direction
bURoundMethod Bool. True = round down. False = round up
bVRoundMethod Bool. True = round down. False = round up
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Grid by direct distance on surface Create ordered grid of points using input surface and distance between points.


PTObj.GridByDirectDistanceOnSurface( strSrfObject, doubleUDis, doubleVDis, bExtend, , bGroup, strName )

strSrfObject String. Surface object to generate point grid for
doubleUDis Double. Distance between points in first ( U ) direction
doubleVDis Double. Distance between points in second ( V ) direction
bExtend Bool. True = extend surface to possibly get better coverage
bGroup Bool. Option to group result
strName String. Grid name
Array Array of point-objects
Null If not successful, or on error

Insert a point in a grid This is useful for building custom grid of points.


PTObj.InsertPointInGrid( ptPoint, intRow, intCol, [optional] strName )

ptPoint Array. Point to be added to a grid
intRow Integer. Row index of the point
intCol Integer. Column index of the point
strName [optional]String. Grid name
String Point object
Null If not successful, or on error

Surface by edit point grid Create a NURBs surface from a point grid.


PTObj.SurfaceByGrid( arrGrid grid )

arrGrid Array. Array of paneling point objects (ordered points)
String Surface object
Null If not successful, or on error

Surface by control point grid Create a NURBs surface from a grid of control points.


PTObj.SurfaceByControlGrid( arrGrid )

arrGrid Array. Array of paneling point objects (ordered points)
String Surface object
Null If not successful, or on error

Divide Curve with Variable Distances Use a list of parameters to divide a curve.


PTObj.DivideCurveByVariableDistances( strCrvObj, arrParamList, bAdd)

strCrvObj Curve object
arrParamList Array. Array of dividing parameters on curve
bAdd Boolean. Add dividing points to context
Array Array of divide points
Null If not successful, or on error

Divide Surface with Variable Distances Use a list of parameters in U and V directions to divide a surface.


PTObj.DivideSurfaceByVariableDistances( strSrfObj, arrUParamList, arrVParamList, bAdd)

strSrfObj Surface object
arrUParamList Array. Array of dividing parameters in U direction
arrVParamList Array. Array of dividing parameters in V direction
bAdd Boolean. Add dividing points to context
Array of Arrays Array of point-objects arrays (2 dimensional array of points)
Null If not successful, or on error