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rhino:3dprinting [2022/06/28]
rhino:3dprinting [2022/06/28] (current)
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-**[[|Preparing to 3D Print by Kyle Houchens]]** +**[[|Tips for 3D Print File Prep in Rhino]]** 
-|[[|{{:meshrepairplay.jpg?200}}]]||There are some unique considerations to keep in mind when preparing 3D print files specifically in Rhino, so for this post, we’re going to go into more detail on how to export your CAD models here. [[]]|+|[[|{{:rhino:drone-fictiv-3dprint.jpg?200 |}}]]||There are some unique considerations to keep in mind when preparing 3D print files specifically in Rhino, so for this post, we’re going to go into more detail on how to export your CAD models [[|here.]]|.  
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 **[[|Understanding the Mesh by Hydraulic Design]]** **[[|Understanding the Mesh by Hydraulic Design]]**
 |[[|{{:hymesh.jpg?200 |Hydraulic Mesh Settings}}]]|A fun document on the key concepts for Rhino's render mesh settings.| |[[|{{:hymesh.jpg?200 |Hydraulic Mesh Settings}}]]|A fun document on the key concepts for Rhino's render mesh settings.|
-**[[|An Overview of 3D Printing Technology by RedEye]]** 
-|[[|{{:redeye.jpg?200 |Redeye}}]]|Overview of 3D printing technologies invented by RedEye's parent company, Stratasys.| 
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rhino/3dprinting.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/28 by vanessa