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rhino:home:rhino8importrui [2024/11/07]
rhino:home:rhino8importrui [2024/11/07] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
 If you are looking to import a //Rhino 6 or 7 RUI//, you can do that here in Rhino 8: If you are looking to import a //Rhino 6 or 7 RUI//, you can do that here in Rhino 8:
-  * Go to **Window -> Toolbars -> File**, and open the RUI.+  * Go to **Window -> Toolbars... -> ** and in that dialog to  **File -> Open... **, to open the RUI.
 {{ :rhino:home:custom8-2.png?200|}} {{ :rhino:home:custom8-2.png?200|}}
Line 37: Line 37:
 {{:rhino:home:rhino7_save_rui.png?400|}} {{:rhino:home:rhino7_save_rui.png?400|}}
-  * In  **Rhino 8 Windows**, go the  **Options -> Toolbars -> File**and open the RUI. +  * Go to **Window -> Toolbars... -> ** and in that dialog to  **File -> Open... **, to open the RUI.
-  In  **Rhino 8 Mac**, go the  **Rhino 8 -> Settings -> Toolbars -> File**, and open the RUI.+
 If you //do not// have **Rhino for Windows versions 6 or 7** and you have Rhino 8, you can download a **legacy key** [[|here]] and install Rhino 6 or 7. Download Rhino from Archives [[|here]]. If you //do not// have **Rhino for Windows versions 6 or 7** and you have Rhino 8, you can download a **legacy key** [[|here]] and install Rhino 6 or 7. Download Rhino from Archives [[|here]].
rhino/home/rhino8importrui.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/07 by gijs