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rhino:rhinohistory [2023/05/10] external edit
rhino:rhinohistory [2024/07/17] (current)
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 > **Summary:** //A few interesting dates// > **Summary:** //A few interesting dates//
-  * May 1992 - First meeting with AG. Applied Geometry (AG) came to us for assistance in integrating their AGLib, [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]] geometry library in AutoCAD. AG customers included Alias Research, Spatial, Honda, and Tecnomatix.+  * May 1992 - First meeting with Applied Geometry (AG). AG came to us for assistance in integrating their AGLib, [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]] geometry library in AutoCAD. AG customers included Alias Research, Spatial, Honda, and Tecnomatix.
   * Jul 1992 - Produced prototype in AutoCAD after about three days of work.   * Jul 1992 - Produced prototype in AutoCAD after about three days of work.
-  * Nov 1992 - McNeel/AG agreement to develop AccuModel, [[rhino:nurbs|NURBs]] modeling for AutoCAD. McNeel would do the marketing and AG would do all the development. McNeel would provide AutoCAD development support as needed. +  * Nov 1992 - McNeel/AG agreement to develop AccuModel, [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]] modeling for AutoCAD. McNeel would do the marketing and AG would do all the development. McNeel would provide AutoCAD development support as needed. 
-  * Nov 1992 - Michael Gibson hired as an intern. He brought Sculptura, a mesh modeler that he had done as a class project. +  * Nov 1992 - Michael Gibson hired as an intern. He brought Sculptura, a mesh modeler he had done as a class project. 
-  * Mar 1993 - Sculptura released,+  * Mar 1993 - Sculptura released.
   * Mar 1993 - McNeel takes over as the lead on the AccuModel development.   * Mar 1993 - McNeel takes over as the lead on the AccuModel development.
   * Jul 1993 - Sculptura 2 prototype ready for [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]].   * Jul 1993 - Sculptura 2 prototype ready for [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]].
   * Nov 1993 - Sculptura 2 nicknamed [[rhino:rhinoceros|Rhinoceros]].   * Nov 1993 - Sculptura 2 nicknamed [[rhino:rhinoceros|Rhinoceros]].
-  * Jan 1994 - New McNeel/AG agreement. McNeel licensed AGLib from AG and AG was to provide the needed AGLib enhancements and maintenance.+  * Jan 1994 - New McNeel/AG agreement. McNeel licensed AGLib from AGand AG was to provide the needed AGLib enhancements and maintenance.
   * Apr 1994 - Rhino beta released on the Graphic Alternative BBS. This was our first version of a public beta program.   * Apr 1994 - Rhino beta released on the Graphic Alternative BBS. This was our first version of a public beta program.
-  * May 1994 - Dr. Dale Lear hired from AG. We found that we needed in-house geometry expertise to develop the functionality and usability required by our clients. +  * May 1994 - Dr. Dale Lear. We found that we needed in-house geometry expertise to develop the functionality and usability required by our clients. 
-  * May 1994 - Alias Research agrees to purchase AG. Alias was AG's largest customer and they felt that one of their advantages was the geometry technology. +  * May 1994 - Alias Research agrees to purchase AG. Alias was AG's largest customerand they felt that one of their advantages was the geometry technology. 
-  * May 1994 - First commercial products completed using AccuModel. Ed Monk & Son Naval Architect released an 82-foot sports fishing boat. +  * May 1994 - First commercial products completed using AccuModel. For example, Ed Monk & Son Naval Architect released an 82-foot sports fishing boat. 
-  * Jul 1994 - Geometry development begins in earnest. Alias didn't seem to be interested in the geometry library business+  * Jul 1994 - Geometry development begins in earnest. 
-  * Aug 1994 - Sculptura renamed [[rhino:rhinoceros|Rhinoceros]] after we determined that we would not be able to resolve the trademark problems with AccuModel.+  * Aug 1994 - Sculptura renamed [[rhino:rhinoceros|Rhinoceros]] after we determined that we could not resolve the trademark problems with AccuModel.
   * Aug 1994 - Private showing of Rhino at SIGGRAPH.   * Aug 1994 - Private showing of Rhino at SIGGRAPH.
   * Nov 1994 - Sale of AG to Alias final.   * Nov 1994 - Sale of AG to Alias final.
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   * Jun 1995 - Alias purchased by Silicon Graphics.   * Jun 1995 - Alias purchased by Silicon Graphics.
   * Jun 1995 - McNeel receives the last update of AGLib.   * Jun 1995 - McNeel receives the last update of AGLib.
-  * May 1997 - Last build of AccuModel for AutoCAD. As the Rhino product progressed we decided that it would be better to focus on the Windows version.+  * May 1997 - Last build of AccuModel for AutoCAD. As the Rhino product progressedwe decided focusing on the Windows version would be better.
   * Sep 1997 - 50,000 beta sites and growing fast without any promotional effort on our part.   * Sep 1997 - 50,000 beta sites and growing fast without any promotional effort on our part.
   * Jul 1998 - 100,000 beta sites.   * Jul 1998 - 100,000 beta sites.
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   * Aug 2001 - Rhino 2.0 shipped.   * Aug 2001 - Rhino 2.0 shipped.
   * Dec 2001 - Flamingo shipped.   * Dec 2001 - Flamingo shipped.
-  * Nov 2001 - [[rhino:rhinoceros| Inside Rhinoceros]] published. 
   * Nov 2002 - Rhino 3.0 released.   * Nov 2002 - Rhino 3.0 released.
   * Dec 2002 - Flamingo 1.1 released.   * Dec 2002 - Flamingo 1.1 released.
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   * Dec 2007 - [[penguin:home|Penguin]] 2.0 released.   * Dec 2007 - [[penguin:home|Penguin]] 2.0 released.
   * Mar 2008 - Added Grasshopper to Rhino for Windows.   * Mar 2008 - Added Grasshopper to Rhino for Windows.
-  * Sep 2010 - First Rhino FabLab opened.+  * Sep 2010 - First RhinoFabLab opened.
   * Apr 2011 - Online training launched.   * Apr 2011 - Online training launched.
   * Apr 2012 - Flamingo nXt released.   * Apr 2012 - Flamingo nXt released.
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   * Feb 2018 - Rhino 6 for Windows released.   * Feb 2018 - Rhino 6 for Windows released.
   * Jul 2019 - Rhino 6 for Mac released.   * Jul 2019 - Rhino 6 for Mac released.
-  * Nov 2020 - Rhino 7 for Mac and Windows released +  * Nov 2020 - Rhino 7 for Mac and Windows released. 
-  * Dec 2020 - Rhino.Inside.Revit released+  * Dec 2020 - Rhino.Inside.Revit released
 +  * Oct 2023 - Rhino 8 for Mac and Windows released.
rhino/rhinohistory.1683733841.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/10 by