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zoo:home [2014/01/23]
zoo:home [2023/10/02] (current)
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 +======LAN Zoo License Manager======
 +[[|{{ :zoo:zoologo.png?256|Zoo - License Manager}}]]
 +The LAN Zoo keeps your licenses on your private LAN server and lets you share them among the Rhino users on your network.\\
 +The LAN Zoo now supports **Rhino 8**. Learn how to [[:zoo:zooupgrade|upgrade your existing LAN Zoo installation]].
 +**[[|Download the LAN Zoo here...]]**
 +===== Is the Zoo right for you? Only if: =====
 +  * You are using [[:zoo:products|compatible products]]. 
 +  * You have more users than licenses.
 +  * You want to manage many licenses in one place.
 +  * You are **not** an individual with multiple computers. [[|Use Cloud Zoo instead... ]]
 +If you answered no to any of these questions, then there are [[| other licensing options]] that may meet your requirements.
 +===== Getting started =====
 +===Setting up the Zoo===
 +{{ :zoo:home:zooserver2.png?nolink&450 |}}
 +  - Choose **one** Windows computer on your network to host the Zoo utility.
 +  - **[[|Download]]** and install the Zoo on that computer.
 +  - Make sure **[[|TCP Port 80]]** is open in your firewall.
 +  - Run **ZooAdmin** and **[[rhinovalidate|add your Rhino license keys]]**.
 +===Setting up Rhino for Windows===
 +  - If Rhino is already installed, run Rhino and click **Tools -> Options -> Licenses**. Select your Rhino license and click **Convert**. Close and restart Rhino. During restart, select **Use LAN Zoo** and then specify the **[[|name]]** of your Zoo server.
 +  - When installing Rhino, select **Use LAN Zoo** and then specify the **[[|name]]** of your Zoo server.
 +===Setting up Rhino for Mac===
 +  - If Rhino is already installed, run Rhino and click **Rhino -> Preferences -> Licenses**, and then click **Change your license key**. Then, select **Use LAN Zoo** and then specify the **[[|name]]** of your Zoo server.
 +  - When installing Rhino, select **Use LAN Zoo** and then specify the **[[|name]]** of your Zoo server.
 +=====More information and support=====
 +[[:zoo:overview|Features Overview]]\\
 +[[:zoo:requirements|System Requirements]]\\
 +[[:zoo:products|Product Compatibility]]\\
 +[[|Support Forum]]\\
 +===== Deployment =====
 +[[|Automating Installation of Rhino]]\\
 +[[|Rhino for Mac Managed Distribution]]\\
 +[[|Rhino and Desktop Virtualization]]
 +===== Troubleshooting =====
 +[[:zoo:diagnostics|Diagnostics Utility for Windows]]\\
 +[[:zoo:diagnosticsmac|Diagnostics Utility for Mac]]\\
 +===== Knowledgebase =====