The following is a list of topics that will be discussed during the course.
A welcome from McNeel Miami.
ART and ARTC requirements
New Rhino licensing tools
Level I and II basic courses
One on one training versus class training. Getting to know your pupils.
Class setup (windows / Mac)
Level I training: the most important one. A good start for an excellent user.
Why Rhino. Where the program sits in a project’s workflow.
Interface basics for the end user.
Precision modeling.
Making good curves.
More complex Curve handling.
Keeping your project under control: layers organizations and templates.
Surfaces in Rhino.
“Solids” how to use in a NURBS environment.
Surfacing tools. Which ones and in what sequence.
Meshing for visualization versus meshing for Rapid Prototyping.
Present a Helpful Level I course: Make simple but controlled objects.
Boolean explained. What could go wrong.
NetworkSrf a close look and caveat.
Surfacing in depth (Level II). Comparing different techniques.
The Approach to Modeling: How do objects made with different techniques compare? Advanced ways to analyze objects.
Annotations and Layouts
Implicit History
From Implicit to Explicit History aka Grasshopper
While we do not require our ARTs to have a specific knowledge in Grasshopper or any other programming language, it would be good to provide the end users a minimal information about what Grasshopper is.