Training for new ARTs - North American and Latin American Regions (combined)

North American Region Including United States (except FL, GA, NC, and SC), Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Latin American Region including FL, GA, NC, and SC.

See ART details here.

Get the latest Rhino 8 service release here.


2 Weeks, Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday

Weekend Break


This class will be held online for convenience and recording.




This course will concentrate on how to teach Rhino. How to make users more successful in a short time and without the pain of trial and error. We will not cover in detail each part of Rhino, still the Level I and II guides will be the main reference.


The following is a list of topics that will be discussed during the course.

Course for Topic not being covered in the ART training: Rhino Inside Revit Courses

Grasshopper Courses

Questions? Email Mary Ann Fugier, McNeel Training and Tech Support.

Link back to ART NA. Link back to ART LA.