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labs:panelingtools [2020/12/03]
rajaa [Download]
labs:panelingtools [2022/03/30] (current)
rajaa [Download PanelingTools for Rhino 7]
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 > **Summary:** //Rhino Plug-in for Paneling [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]] Surfaces and Polysurfaces. This is work in progress (WIP)//. > **Summary:** //Rhino Plug-in for Paneling [[rhino:nurbs|NURBS]] Surfaces and Polysurfaces. This is work in progress (WIP)//.
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 PanelingTools supports creating paneling solutions from concept to fabrication. It is a McNeel plug-in that is closely integrated with Rhino and Grasshopper, and is widely used by architectural and other designers. PanelingTools supports creating paneling solutions from concept to fabrication. It is a McNeel plug-in that is closely integrated with Rhino and Grasshopper, and is widely used by architectural and other designers.
-=====Download=====+=====Download PanelingTools for Rhino 7===== 
 +  * **Windows:** Use the PackageManger command in Rhino 7.2 (release candidate) or later (otherwise PT-GH will not load), search for PanelingTools, download and install. 
 +  * **Mac:** PanelingTools comes installed with Rhino 7 for Mac in both Rhino and Grasshopper. There is no PanelingTools menu and you need to use command-line to run the commands (type "pt" and all the commands will auto-complete). (For Rhino 6 for Mac, unzip and drag the files to GH-menu>File>Special-Folders>Component Folder. {{ |PT-GH_6_DLLS}}) 
 +  * **Need older version?** [[|Go to PanelingTools at Food4Rhino...]] 
 +=====Getting started with PanelingTools==== 
 +  * **Workflow Tutorials:** (2-7 minutes). [[| Click for details...]] 
 +  * **Commands Tutorials:** (1-3 minutes). [[| Click for details...]] 
 +  * **Webinar Course:** (~1 hour).[[| Click for details...]] 
 +  * **Level 1 Course:** (~12 hour).[[| Click for details...]] 
 +  *  **PanelingTools examples:** [[labs:panelinggallery|Click for details...]] 
 +  * **Other commands Tutorials: (need flash player)** [[labs:ptshortclips|Click for details...]] 
 +  * **Other video tutorials:** [[labs:panelingexamples|Click for details...]] 
-===Windows Rhino 7=== 
-Use the PackageManger command in Rhino 7, search for PanelingTools, download and install. 
-===Mac Rhino 7=== 
-PanelingTools comes installed with Rhino 7 for Mac in both Rhino and Grasshopper. There is no PanelingTools menu and you need to use command-line to run the commands (type "pt" and all the commands will auto-complete) 
-**Need older version?** [[|Go to the PanelingTools page in Food4Rhino...]] 
-=====Getting started tutorials and webinars==== 
-  * Short tutorials: getting started and workflows (short tutorials: 2-7 minutes). [[| Click for details...]] 
-  * Webinar course (~1 hour).[[| Click for details...]] 
-  * Level 1 PanelingTools course (~12 hour).[[| Click for details...]] 
 =====Documentation===== =====Documentation=====
-For documentation and examples, please check: 
   *[[|PanelingTools Manual]] for detailed description of commands and options.   *[[|PanelingTools Manual]] for detailed description of commands and options.
   * [[|PanelingTools for Grasshopper Manual]] includes tutorials and description of PT-GH components.   * [[|PanelingTools for Grasshopper Manual]] includes tutorials and description of PT-GH components.
   * [[labs:panelingscripting|Paneling Scripting]] page has a listing of paneling methods for RhinoScript.   * [[labs:panelingscripting|Paneling Scripting]] page has a listing of paneling methods for RhinoScript.
-  * [[labs:panelingexamples|Paneling Tutorials]] page has links to video tutorials. 
-  * [[labs:ptshortclips|Paneling Short Clips]] page has short video tutorials that covers the core functionality of PanelingTools. 
-  * [[labs:panelinggallery|Paneling Gallery]] page has users' PanelTools projects. 
-  * {{|Single stroke font}} (optional). As a bonus feature, add this font to your Windows font directory. For example, in Windows 7, drag the RhSS.ttf file into //Control Panel>Appearance and Personalization>Fonts//. The font will then be accessible from Rhino. This type of font is used mainly to tag parts for laser cutting.  
 \\ \\
-  * [[|PanelingTools Webinar Course - December 2014]] learn how Paneling tools works and how best to integrate it into your design process. 
-  * [[|Paneling Tools Webinar - February 11, 2011]] 
-  * [[|Paneling Tools Webinar on Vimeo]] 
 =====Feedback===== =====Feedback=====
-Please tell us what you think and how you are using PanelingTools to help shape future development. 
 **Join** the [[|PanelingTools Forum]] to post questions and share your projects. **Join** the [[|PanelingTools Forum]] to post questions and share your projects.
 For questions and feedback,  //[[|contact the developer]]//. For questions and feedback,  //[[|contact the developer]]//.
-=====Download and install older versions of PanelingTools===== 
-===For Rhino 6 for Windows 64 only (December 2018)=== 
-  * Download and double-click **[[| PanelingTools for Rhino 6]]** to install. When opening a new session of Rhino, the installed version will be loaded (no need for any further action such as drag&drop or use PluginManager to load). Toolbars are also installed, but for the first use you need to load using Tools/Toolbar Layout...  
-  * Runs with Rhino 6 SR11 (6.11) or later. [[| Download here...]] 
-===For Rhino 5 SR12 for Windows 64 only (October 2016)=== 
-  * Download and double-click **[[| PanelingTools for Rhino 5 Win 64]]** to install. When opening a new session of Rhino, the installed version will be loaded (no need for any further action such as drag&drop or use PluginManager to load). Toolbars are also installed, but for the first use you need to load using Tools/Toolbar Layout...  
-  * Runs with Rhino 5 latest service release. [[| Download here...]] 
-===For Rhino for Mac 6=== 
-  * PanelingTools plug-in is part of the released Rhino 6 for Mac.  Please note that there is no PanelingTools menu and all the commands are only available through the command line.  Type **pt** to see all the PanelingTools commands in the AutoComplete list.  
-===For Grasshopper=== 
-  * In Windows 6: PanelingTools plug-in extends Grasshopper and is installed by the installer (in Windows, you should see the PanelingTools tab in Grasshopper without any additional installation).  [[|Link to PT-GH group for discussions and examples...]]  
-  * In Mac 6: You will need to download, unzip and manually place the following file inside "/Users/~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/Plug-ins/Grasshopper (b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf)/Libraries" folder:  {{|Download PT-GH-Components_Mac6...}} 
-  * In Mac 5: follow the [[|instructions posted here...]] 
-===Installation error?=== 
-First please make sure you have the latest Rhino service release (Rhino Help menu > Check For Updates...). Also installing involves double clicking on the downloaded PanelingTools installer (.rhi file) and follow the prompts to install (Just for me option). If installing fails, or when you open Rhino, PanelingTools does not load in Rhino or Grasshopper, then please do the following: Download and run [[|RhiFix.exe]] 
-If the fix does not work, please send the following 3 documents to 
-  * A screenshot of the error 
-  * Repair Utility log (all the text below RECOMMENDED ACTION) 
-  * The RHI installer log. Here is where you find it in V5, V6 or V7: 
-    * Rhino 5: `%appdata%\mcneel\rhinoceros\5.0\logs` 
-    * Rhino 6: `%appdata%\mcneel\rhinoceros\6.0\logs` 
-    * Rhino 7: `%appdata%\mcneel\rhinoceros\7.0\logs` 
labs/panelingtools.1607020897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/03 by rajaa