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labs:panelingtools [2022/03/30]
rajaa [Download PanelingTools for Rhino 7]
labs:panelingtools [2024/10/31] (current)
joachim [Download PanelingTools for Rhino 7]
Line 9: Line 9:
 =====Download PanelingTools for Rhino 7===== =====Download PanelingTools for Rhino 7=====
   * **Windows:** Use the PackageManger command in Rhino 7.2 (release candidate) or later (otherwise PT-GH will not load), search for PanelingTools, download and install.   * **Windows:** Use the PackageManger command in Rhino 7.2 (release candidate) or later (otherwise PT-GH will not load), search for PanelingTools, download and install.
-  * **Mac:** PanelingTools comes installed with Rhino 7 for Mac in both Rhino and Grasshopper. There is no PanelingTools menu and you need to use command-line to run the commands (type "pt" and all the commands will auto-complete). (Note, for Rhino 6 for Mac, use these files to see PT-GH {{ |PT-GH_6_DLLS}}+  * **Mac:** PanelingTools comes installed with Rhino 7 for Mac in both Rhino and Grasshopper. There is no PanelingTools menu and you need to use command-line to run the commands (type "pt" and all the commands will auto-complete). (For Rhino 6 for Mac, unzip and drag the files to GH-menu>File>Special-Folders>Components Folder. {{ |PT-GH_6_DLLS}})
   * **Need older version?** [[|Go to PanelingTools at Food4Rhino...]]   * **Need older version?** [[|Go to PanelingTools at Food4Rhino...]]
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labs/panelingtools.1648668939.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/30 by rajaa