此文章針對Bongo 1.0及Bongo 2.0所撰寫。
原因: 您的使用者帳號已設置成一或多個不存在的磁碟機該用於特殊資料夾,如“我的文件”
備註: 此方法或任務包含如何修改註冊表的步驟。然而如果錯誤的修改註冊表可能會出現嚴重問題。 請小心執行這些步驟。為加強保護,修改之前先做好登錄的備份,並在出現問題時還原登錄。有關如何備份及還原登錄,請至Microsoft知識庫查看相關文章:
如何在 Windows 中備份及還原登錄
原因: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-<numbers>\Components 內有一個或多個登錄機碼無正確授權。
處理方式 1: 從Windows的開始功能表上的搜尋框中輸CM。在cmd.exe上按右鍵之後選擇“以系統管理員身分執行”。 複製以下資訊並貼至cmd視窗,按enter,Rhino將能夠安裝。
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose
處理方式 2: 警告 - 以下過程涉及編輯Windows登錄檔,不正確編輯登錄檔可能損害您的電腦,而且無法啟動。如果您因擔心而不想執行以下步驟,那麼請聯絡McNeel 技術支援。
Step 3: Install Rhino
Step 4: Manual installation
Still not working?
That's frustrating. We're sorry! Please email any log files from Step 3 to tech@mcneel.com.
Cause: This is a bug in the Microsoft C++ 2005 Redistributable Package
Solution 1:
Disable the antivirus program on the system. A user reported disabling AVG made Rhino installation work.
Solution 2:
Try to install several times. A user reported Rhino installation succeeded when the third time he tried to install Rhino. He didn't do anything to the system.
Solution 3:
If you can't enable this feature, or if the Windows Features dialog box appears and is empty, then your installation of Windows is corrupt and needs repaired. Please contact Microsoft Support for more help.
More details: People who get this error while installing Rhino are also unable to install the Microsoft C++ 2005 Redistributable Package directly from Microsoft. This is a problem with Windows and the Microsoft Redistributable Package, not with Rhino's installer.
Cause: The update installer doesn't have enough permission privileges.
Cause: There is a problem with the Rhino license manager.
Solution: Please look at the following page: http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/licensemanagererrors
It should help you resolve the problem.